Agenda item

10.05am The Royal United Hospital Bath presentation on the latest Care Quality Commission inspection (15 minutes)

The Board will receive a presentation from the RUH Bath representatives on the latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection.


The Chairman invited James Scott (Chief Executive of the RUH Bath) to give a presentation to the Panel.


James Scott highlighted the following points in the CQC presentation about the inspection of the RUH Bath (attached as appendix to these minutes):


·  Our new approach

·  CQC New approach: Site visits

·  Key Findings by service

·  Areas of Good Practice

·  Areas for improvement: Should


The Board congratulated James Scott and the staff of the RUH Bath on good result and on the outcome of the CQC inspection.


The Chairman asked what would be happening from now on with the RUH considering that the CQC inspection outcomes were quite positive.  The Chair asked what the CQC would be looking for in future inspections.


James Scott replied that the CQC would be keeping an eye on how the RUH would be delivering their improvement plan.  James Scott also said that he would not expect another CQC inspection for the next two years.


James Scott also said that the RUH had been placed in Band 6 Hospitals (those with the lowest risk and challenge).


Councillor Romero said that the Council held Alcohol Harm Reduction Scrutiny Inquiry Day and one of the concerns raised was on people in a need of emergency services during weekends, because of alcohol related health issues. Councillor Romero asked if the hospital had had a capacity to continue dealing with these issues effectively.


James Scott replied that gastroenterology service (specialist to look after liver disease) consultants, which were specialised in that area, had been working together with an emergency staff.  The RUH had been working with the other partners to address an increase in demand of services in this area.


Bruce Laurence asked if the latest CQC inspection had been a driver for improvement.


James Scott responded that the latest CQC inspection was not a ‘light touch’ inspection.  It was comprehensive in a way that previous inspections had not been.  There was an estimate that 30 out of 35 inspectors were clinicians elsewhere in the UK, from all health backgrounds.


James Scott also said that the RUH had been incredibly active around Patient Safety Programme.  The Patient Safety Programme was set in 2009 for the South West region, hosted by the RUH.  The whole programme has been based on global organisation that leads patient safety across the world, called an Institute of Health Care and Improvement, based in Boston, the USA.

Diana Hall Hall thanked the RUH for inviting the Healthwatch to comment on the report.  The Healthwatch also met with the CQC and welcomed their new way of working.  The Healthwatch would like to work more with the RUH and be more present within the hospital.


Dr Simon Douglass and Dr Ian Orpen commented that quality summit, organised by the RUH, had been quite successful because it highlighted staff’s passion and dedication and also highlighted hospital’s focus on patient safety.


It was RESOLVED to note the presentation and to congratulate the RUH Bath on the outcome of the Care Quality Commission inspection.