Agenda item



The Divisional Director – Risk and Assurance presented the report. He explained that the Risk Management Strategy in Appendix 1 set out the framework and processes for risk management within the Council. Paragraph 4.5 of the report set out the main elements in the framework of systems for risk management. Much had changed in local government since the Risk Management Strategy had been agreed in 2011 and some parts might no longer be relevant; he invited Members to let him have their views on how the Strategy might be updated.


A Member noted that there was no reference to flood management in the Strategy; he thought might be appropriate to include it in the Strategy now that the Council was a Lead Local Flood Authority. The Divisional Director – Risk and Assurance suggested that it was not appropriate to include individual risks in the Strategy. Another Member suggested that while this might be the case the role of Lead Local Flood Authority did bring additional risk, even if only reputational risk, and this ought to be recognised in an appropriate fashion.


A copy of a summary dashboard of the corporate risk register was provided to Members. The Divisional Director – Risk and Assurance explained that the 11 corporate risks were listed in approximate order of priority. The financial challenge still remained the most significant risk. Flooding was not mentioned specifically, though severe weather did appear among the11 risks. Members were invited to comment on whether the risks identified and the level of priority given to them was still appropriate. A Member noted that damage caused by severe weather might result in the need to redo work that had already been done. The Divisional Director – Finance responded that this was recognised in the contingency included in, for example, the Highways budget; there was also specific recognition of problem areas, like the Chew Valley. A Member asked about the impact of high levels of nursing and social care in the Council’s area. The Divisional Director-Finance explained that nursing care is not the Council’s responsibility, though residential care is, and large numbers of people in the area were in receipt of personal care budgets. Though the Council was not responsible for nursing care it was assuming responsibility for the management of nursing care payments.


A Member raised the issue of the safety on the banks of River Avon, referring to a recent drowning and the failure to implement all of the recommendations made by RoSPA. He also referred to the risk of flooding, about which he had made a motion to Council on 16 January this year. He noted that conditions had been very volatile with a change from a drought in April 2012 to repeated flooding within a very short time. He believed that all relevant authorities should work together to address the increasing risks. The Committee agreed that these issues should be referred to the relevant Policy and Development and Scrutiny Panel.


The Chair asked about activities, such as fracking and drilling, in the areas of other local authorities that could impact geologically on Bath and North East Somerset. He recalled that some time ago a geologist commissioned by B&NES had reported that the Bath hot springs were formed from ancient water that had percolated from the Mendips and had been heated as it passed through a geological fault. He wondered what protection the springs had from activities in the area of other authorities. The Risk Manager noted that fracking had to be authorised by a government licence. The Divisional Director-Risk and Assurance said that he would make inquiries and report back to the Committee on the issue.


A Member commented in relation to the Risk 4 that it is not the Council which builds houses, it is builders who do and in relation to Risk 11 that a definition of “successful resolution was required as it might be considered a success if the people went elsewhere, but even in that case there would be a reputational risk for the Council.


RESOLVED to note the Council’s Risk Management Strategy and Corporate Risk Register.


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