Agenda item

Royal United Hospital Care Quality Commission Report (10 minutes)

The Health and Wellbeing Board will receive a verbal presentation from Dr Ian Orpen.


The Chairman invited Dr Ian Orpen to provide verbal update related to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report on the Royal United Hospital (RUH) in Bath.


Dr Ian Orpen addressed the meeting with the following statement:


‘In June 2013, a CQC unannounced inspection was undertaken to check whether the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust (RUH) had taken action to meet essential standards following a previous responsive inspection in February 2013.


During the inspection, CQC looked at three areas of care at the hospital. These were the older people’s wards, the emergency department, the DSU and the theatre recovery area. The report highlights several areas of good practice and states that the majority of staff met with showed a professional and caring attitude towards their patients, it also acknowledges that previous concerns on the DSU had been addressed. However, concerns were identified on the older people’s wards and with some of the corporate governance processes. CQC felt that action was needed against four of the standards checked and enforcement action was taken against one.


  • Respecting and involving people who use services - Action needed
  • Care and welfare of people who use services- Action needed
  • Cooperating with other providers - Met this standard
  • Safeguarding people who use services from abuse - Action needed
  • Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision - Action needed
  • Records - Enforcement action taken


The Trust was asked to provide an action plan by the 19th October setting out what they will do to meet the standards. The CQC will check to make sure that action is taken and will be revisiting the trust in December as part of the new style hospital inspections programme announced which the trust has welcomed.


The CCG is in regular contact with the trust to offer support where appropriate and to seek assurance that the action being taken will improve the quality of service provided.


As previously reported to CCG Board, the CCG Clinical Lead, Director of Nursing and Lay Members have and will continue to undertake site visits and ward walkabouts on a monthly basis. The older people’s wards have not yet been visited as the CCG knew that CQC had undertaken the inspection in June.


The trust has provided the CCG with a copy of the action plan. The CCG also meets monthly with the trust at the Clinical Quality and Outcomes meeting where the action plan will be actively monitored.


The CQC, Local Authority and CQC meet on a monthly basis to share good practices but also to highlight concerns within providers of health and social care services. Updates from the CQC will be received at these meetings.


The Local Adult Safeguarding Board will receive a progress report in December and the Chair of the Board is in contact with the CCG.


The CCG is working not only with the trust, CQC, Wiltshire and Somerset CCGs but with the Trust Development Authority (TDA) and NHS England - South and BaNES, Gloucester, Somerset and Wiltshire Area Team to ensure the Trust is supported and to gain assurance that the action being taken will improve the quality of service provided and the improvements embedded.


This issue will be discussed at the next CCG Board meeting on 7th November 2013.’


The Chairman said that this needs to be seen in the context of pressures, as seen in the earlier presentation.  As a Board it is important to remain focused on the services locally.


The Chairman also said that we need to acknowledge the good work that the RUH is doing for our population.


Pat Foster commented that the Healthwatch B&NES had no issues with the RUH.


James Scott (the RUH Chief Executive) commented said that the action plan, as mentioned earlier, had been created and the vast majority of the issues highlighted had been done though there are still few issues to cover. 


The Chairman suggested that the Board should receive an update from the RUH on their action plan in 6 months’ time.


It was RESOLVED to receive an update from the RUH on their action plan in 6 months’ time.