Agenda item


Theresa Waterhouse and Pat Dawson will address the Panel on behalf of the ‘Save Our Larkhall Public Toilets’ Group.



The Chairman informed the meeting that Ms Pat Dawson and Ms Lin Patterson will read their statements.


Ms Pat Dawson read her statement and highlighted the benefit of having Larkhall public toilets open for people who regularly shop in Larkhall and also for those people with medical conditions who cannot shop anywhere, without anxiety, unless they know there are toilets nearby.


Ms Pat Dawson also said that ‘public toilets are an asset that should be maintained and not wasted.  For the wellbeing, health and hygiene of us all, the Council should keep the Larkhall toilets open.  They are an essential amenity with no current alternative to council support.  The reversion to the original closure date of April 1st is an acknowledgement that Larkhall needs its toilets’.


A full copy of the statement from Ms Pat Dawson is available on the Minute Book in Democratic Services.


Ms Lin Patterson read her statement and highlighted ‘the impact of the policy of the closure of public toilets in Bath upon both physical and mental health and wellbeing.’


Ms Lin Patterson also pointed out on statistics around people in the UK who have urinary problems (according to British Toilet Association). 


Ms Lin Patterson concluded her statement by saying that (quote) ‘moving the closure from August 2013 to April 2014 is not a reprieve. While it would be lovely if a bog company agreed to subsidise nearly £12k for the toilets, that hope may turn out to be unrealistic, as are all the other schemes considered.  Public toilets should be just that, publicly funded through taxes, as these have been since 1907’.


A full copy of the statement from Ms Lin Patterson is available on the Minute Book in Democratic Services.


The Chairman explained that technically there is little that the Panel could do as the decision to close the toilets was part of the Budget proposals though  the Panel could have a debate on this matter and, depending on the outcome of debate, make their views/recommendations.


Some Members of the Panel felt that people could use toilets in some other premises, such as pubs and community halls. 


Ms Lin Patterson replied that the access to toilets in many of these premises is not user friendly for wheelchairs or for people with mobility issues.  Ms Lin Patterson also said that the toilets in New Oriel Hall should not be considered as replacement for public toilets due to the nature of clubs, activities and events running in the hall.


Some other Panel Members felt that the toilets in Larkhall should remain open for the reasons highlighted by speakers.


The Chairman felt that it is Council’s responsibility to provide these facilities.  The Chairman also said that this Panel doesn’t have any power other than make a request to the current Administration to reconsider their decision to close the toilets.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson moved the motion to request from the Administration to reconsider their decision to close the toilets.


Councillor Vic Pritchard seconded the motion.


Voting: 5 in favour and 3 against.


It was RESOLVED to request from the Administration to reconsider their decision to close the toilets.