Agenda item

Statements, Deputations or Petitions from Public or Councillors

Councillors and members of the public may register their intention to make a statement if they notify the subject matter of their statement before the deadline.  Statements are limited to 3 minutes each.  The speaker may then be asked by Cabinet members to answer factual questions arising out of their statement.


Anthony Acton (Vice-Chair, Corston PCC) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 3 and on the Council’s website] asked for a controlled crossing and pedestrian refuge on the A39 in Corston near the church. 

He presented a petition of 170 signatures to Cabinet.

The Chair referred the petition to Councillor Caroline Roberts for her response in due course.

Lin Patterson (Campaign to Save Larkhall Toilets) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 4 and on the Council’s website] reminded the Cabinet of the arguments for retaining public toilets which included public health, equality, environmental and local economy issues.  She urged the Cabinet to retain the toilets in response to the 534 signature petition previously submitted.

Lesley Mansell (Chair, Radstock Town Council) in a statement said that a holistic view should be taken about the future of the Victoria Hall but she was disappointed that the views of the Town Council had been ignored.  Given that 80% of respondents had asked for community use of the hall, it was not enough that only 20 hours of community use was being offered.  She was concerned by the lack of consultation and felt that the hall must be returned to community use.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 5 and on the Council’s website] said that she was pleased the Victoria Hall was being renovated but felt that opportunities had been lost to return the hall to community use by moving the library, Town Council and youth hub into the building.  She asked Cabinet to refer the issue of community use of the hall to the relevant PDS Panel.

Kirsty Hafford (Radstock Resident) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 6 and on the Council’s website] in which she supported the proposed use of Victoria Hall, Radstock, as an arts centre for community and arts events which she felt would build cross-generational links and boost community cohesion.

Judith Chubb-Whittle (Chair, Stanton Drew Parish Council) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 7 and on the Council’s website] referred to a written statement issued on behalf of Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in which he said that the single issue of unmet demand would be unlikely to outweigh harm to the green belt.

Karen Abolkheir (Stanton Wick Action Group) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 8 and on the Council’s website] made a number of observations about the shale tip at Stanton Wick and explained why she felt that proposals to develop the site should not succeed.

Clarke Osborne (Chair, Stanton Wick Action Group) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 9 and on the Council’s website] referred to the slow progress made on the Gypsy and Travellers DPD.  He asked Cabinet to ensure that officers were fully aware of recent guidance from government about the unsuitability of Gypsy and Travellers Sites in the green belt.

The Chair assured the speakers that a Q&A sheet on the Gypsy Travellers DPD would be added to the Council’s website and it would be updated with responses to any questions raised.  He assured the speakers that the Cabinet was determined to bring about the right outcome.