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Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel

This page lists the meetings for Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel.

Information about Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel

Overview & Scrutiny is the name given to the system of checks and balances implemented to monitor and review the activity of the Cabinet and also assist them in developing policy.


Overview & Scrutiny has two key roles:



  • To assist the Council and Cabinet in the development of new policy
  • To assist the Cabinet by giving comments on issues identified as "Key Decisions" prior to a decision being made
  • To contribute to major service reviews at scoping and "key issues" stages
  • To assist the Cabinet by giving comments on selected Service & Budget Plans at their draft stage




  • Scrutinise performance management information to ensure that the Council is performing to agreed targets and to agreed Action Plans
  • Determine "call-ins" of decisions made but not yet implemented by the Cabinet or an officer
  • Scrutinise particular "Key Decisions" and other aspects of Cabinet activity to ensure compliance with agreed Council policies and plans.
  • Evaluate the impact of Council and or Cabinet decisions and policies




Membership: 5 Liberal Democrat Members; 2 Conservative Members, 1 Labour Member and 1 Green Member.

Chair is nominee of the Conservative Group; Vice Chair is nominee of Liberal Democrat Group



Links to further information;