Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Guildhall, Bath. View directions

Contact: Corrina Haskins  01225 394357


No. Item


Emergency evacuation procedure

The Democratic Services Officer will draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure.

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The Democratic Services Officer read out the emergency evacuation procedure.


Apologies for absence and Substitutions

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Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Paul Crossley and Cllr Ruth Malloy was in attendance as substitute.


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members in any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting. Members are asked to indicate:

(a) The agenda item number and site in which they have an interest to declare.

(b) The nature of their interest.

(c) Whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or an other interest, (as defined in Part 4.4 Appendix B of the Code of Conduct and Rules for Registration of Interests)

Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.


To Announce any Urgent Business Agreed by the Chair

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There was no urgent business.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair apologised for the audio problems with the webcast at the previous meeting.



Items from the Public

To note that, regarding planning applications to be considered, members of the public who have given the requisite notice to Democratic Services will be able to make a statement to the Committee immediately before their respective applications are considered. There will be a time limit of 3 minutes for each proposal, i.e., 3 minutes for the Parish and Town Councils, 3 minutes for the objectors to the proposal and 3 minutes for the applicant, agent and supporters. This allows a maximum of 9 minutes per proposal.

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The Democratic Services Officer informed the meeting of the process for public speakers to address the Committee.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18 December 2024 as a correct record for signing by the Chair.

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It was moved by Cllr Eleanor Jackson, seconded by Cllr Tim Warren and;


RESOLVED  that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18 December 2024 be confirmed as a correct record for signing by the Chair subject to the following amendments:


1. 24/02198/FUL - Unity Road, Northern Part, Keynsham, Bath and North East Somerset


Page 7 point 7 - To clarify the number of people present during a session. – 16 go kart riders


Page 7 point 11 – add text in bold “There was a healthy supply of industrial units in Keynsham ‘and the Somer Valley’ 


2. 23/04529/FUL - Parcel 6600, Fairy Hill, Compton Dando, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset


Page 8 point 7 delete “additional housing” and replace with “sites for housing to meet government requirements”. 


3. 24/02761/FUL - Site Of Old Quarry, Bath Road, Peasedown St John, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset


Page 10 Point 2 - add text in bold “The application would improve the site and would include screening to protect the opposite Grade II listed building (the Red Post Inn).”



Site Visit List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee

There are no site visit applications for consideration.

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There were no site visit applications for consideration.



Main Plans List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee pdf icon PDF 464 KB

The following items will be considered at 11am:


1.  24/00287/FUL - Whitecross House, Whitecross Road, East Harptree, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset

2.  24/03112/FUL - Woodlands, Staunton Lane, Whitchurch, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset


Additional documents:


The Committee considered:


1.  A report and update report by the Head of Planning on the applications under the main applications list.

2.  Oral statements by members of the public and representatives.  A copy of the speakers’ list is attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.


RESOLVED that in accordance with the delegated powers, the applications be determined as set out in the main applications decisions list attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes.



1.  24/00287/FUL - Whitecross House, Whitecross Road, East Harptree, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset


The Case Officer introduced the report which considered an application for 4 dwellings by subdivision of a main house, conversion of ancillary stables and the erection of 1 new dwelling.


She gave a verbal update to report:

1.  An additional objection comment had been sent to the Chair and circulated to the other members of the Planning Committee.  It was not considered that this raised new issues that had not already been assessed in the Committee report.

2.  An amendment to page 33 of the report to refer to the Council’s Duty under Section 86 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act.

3.  An addition to page 33 to include reference to the special qualities of the Mendip National Landscape.  There were 15 special qualities and the 2 of particular relevance to this application were the views in and views out of the landscape.  The scheme was not considered to impact on these or any other special qualities of the Mendip National Landscape. 


The Case Officer confirmed the officers’ recommendation that permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The following public representations were received:

1.  Mark Jerzak, local resident, objecting to the application.

2.  Sasha Berezina, agent, supporting the application.


In response to Members’ questions, it was confirmed:

1.  There were 3 dwellings on the site currently and this would increase to 6 dwellings as a result of the development.  Officers did not consider that the scheme constituted over-development of the site and felt that there was adequate outdoor space.

2.  In terms of impact on residential amenity, officers concluded that there would not be a significant impact.  The two-storey dwelling was sufficiently distanced from the neighbouring property.

3.  The scheme was too small to trigger a requirement for affordable housing.

4.  A bicycle/bin store was included in the plans.  There would be enough space for cars to enter and leave the site when the bins were taken out for waste collection.

5.  The installation of electric vehicle charging equipment was a building regulations issue.

6.  Officers had made a judgement that aluminium framed windows were acceptable on the former stables, as there were limited views from the public realm.  The other windows would be timber framed.

7.  A snug could potentially be used as an additional bedroom, and this could not be controlled by the planning process.

8.  The scheme would not result in a loss of on street parking.  There would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 83.

250115 Speakers List pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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New Planning Appeals Lodged, Decisions Received and Dates of Forthcoming Hearings/Inquiries pdf icon PDF 29 KB

The Committee is asked to note the report.

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The Committee considered the appeals report.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.