Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Guildhall, Bath. View directions
Contact: Mark Durnford 01225 394458
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE The Chair will draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure as set out under Note 6.
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the emergency evacuation procedure.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members in any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting. Members are asked to indicate: (a) The agenda item number in which they have an interest to declare. (b) The nature of their interest. (c) Whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or an other interest, (as defined in Part 2, A and B of the Code of Conduct and Rules for Registration of Interests) Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer or a member of his staff before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Barry Macrae declared an other interest with regard to agenda item 10 (Bristol Airport Masterplan) as he had previously been a member of Wessex Flying Club. |
Minutes: There were none. |
MINUTES - 7th November 2017 PDF 132 KB Minutes: The Panel confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chairman. |
Cabinet Member Update The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update(s) provided.
Minutes: Councillor Paul Myers, Cabinet Member for Economic and Community Regeneration addressed the Panel, a summary of his update is set out below.
He said that a 10 week consultation would commence in February 2018 regarding the future of the Council’s Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs.
72 Extra Care Homes would be available from Spring 2019 on the Ensleigh site.
Bath Enterprise Zone
The land acquisition from BMT of Bath Quays South is complete and work should commence on site within the next two months.
An outline planning application has been submitted for the development of Bath Quays North, following public consultation towards the end of last year.
Broadband connection voucher scheme
522 vouchers have been issued as part of the Government trial to improve broadband speeds in homes in Bath & North East Somerset.
Councillor Liz Richardson asked where the majority of the vouchers had been issued.
The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration replied that it was the Chew Valley area that had received the vast majority of the vouchers.
The Roman Baths had 1.2m visitors in 2017.
The Fashion Museum and Assembly Rooms were among the 2017 Sandford Award winners. The Sandford Award is an independently judged, quality assured assessment of education programmes at heritage sites, museums, archives and collections across the British Isles.
He informed the Panel 2018 was the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Mary Shelley had lived at 5 Abbey Churchyard.
Councillor Colin Blackburn asked if there was an update on the Newark Works element of Bath Quays South.
The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration replied that a lockout agreement had been signed with TCN and that site enabling works are due to commence.
Councillor Lisa O’Brien asked how feedback on the Keynsham High Street trial would be gathered.
Councillor Myers replied that there would be an online consultation and work would take place with particular groups to enable the most feedback.
The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration added that on street questionnaires would also be undertaken alongside visits to shops on the High Street and meeting with Keynsham Town Council.
Councillor Rob Appleyard asked if there was a particular focus for the incoming funds from WECA for housing.
The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration replied that there were four areas of focus across the Council in terms of WECA housing support, these were Whitchurch, Keynsham, BWR, Bath Quays.
The Chairman asked if it were true that only 22% of jobs created within the Quays would be at salary levels that enable those people to afford to live in B&NES.
The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration replied that a housing assessment has been carried out which aimed to support the delivery of housing that meets the needs of future workers.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Myers for his update on behalf of the Panel.
Councillor Bob Goodman, Cabinet Member for Development and Neighbourhoods addressed the Panel, a summary of his update is set out below.
Article 4 – Office to ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
Council Operational Plan PDF 99 KB This report presents the Council’s Operational Plan to the Panel for consideration and feedback as part of the Council’s operational planning and budget development process.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategic Director for Place introduced this item to the Panel. She explained that the plan has a 2 year focus, aligned with the budget planning process, although it does reference the Council’s longer term (years 3 – 5) direction of travel.
She said that the plan was structured by Cabinet Portfolios in line with the budget structure and identifies the key changes in service delivery over 2018-19 and 2019-20 where appropriate. She added that it also outlines the individual budget proposals.
She stated that the plan contains a greater level of detail for the coming year and that the detail for the following years will continue to develop as Council policy evolves and the plan will be updated annually.
She informed them that this edition of the plan would be considered by all Policy Development and Scrutiny Panels in January 2018, having been developed on behalf of the Cabinet, and will inform the 2018/19 budget setting process.
She said that in 2015 the Council started a rigorous review of spending aimed at cutting waste and increasing efficiency. We’ve also been growing our income opportunities by investing in property, housing and the economy and capitalising on Bath’s heritage and tourism assets - activities that will become even more important in the coming years.
She stated that since 2016 we have saved £27 million primarily through re-designing services, social care efficiencies, reducing our estate, and improving our technology and capital financing arrangements. She added that this work has had minimal impact on front line services, and we continue to be regarded as a good authority by independent inspectors. In addition to the £27 million already saved to 2018, we have committed further savings of £15 million to 2020.
She spoke of the Council’s good track record of winning bids for Government grants that attract investment into the area and raise money which help to fund projects that people care about. She added that the decision to support an elected regional Mayor for the West of England and become part of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) with South Gloucestershire and Bristol Council means that we are benefiting from a share of £1 billion investment in adult skills development and transport infrastructure, including major roads and rail networks, as well as cycling and walking routes.
She addressed the key changes that the Council is proposing, explaining the plan doesn’t intend to capture every activity that the Council carries out, but focuses on the key changes over the coming years and highlights key projects that will help achieve our vision for the future.
Councillor Barry Macrae advised a note of caution relating to Digital by Choice and the members of the public that do not regularly use IT.
Councillor Lisa O’Brien asked if the Council’s work regarding further education and employment dovetailed with that of WECA.
The Strategic Director for Place replied that the Council was working with WECA regarding the skills agenda.
Councillor Rob Appleyard asked if the pension deficit in ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Bristol Airport Master Plan The Panel will receive a presentation on this item from Simon Earles, Planning and Sustainability Director of Bristol Airport. Minutes: Simon Earles, Planning and Sustainability Director and James Gore, Head of Government and Stakeholder Relations gave a presentation to the Panel on this item. A copy of the presentation can be found on the Panel’s Minute Book and online as an appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.
Preparing our new Master Plan
· 2003 ‘Future of Air Transport’ White Paper required airports to produce Master Plans. · First Master Plan published in 2006, including detailed development proposals to accommodate growth to 2015, with indicative plans showing how the airport might expand to handle 12.5 million passengers by 2030. · Planning permission granted in 2011 for development of facilities to handle 10 million passengers per annum (mppa). Major elements of this development are nearing completion and passenger numbers have passed 8mppa. · Content should include infrastructure proposals; safeguarding and land/property take; impact on people and the natural environment; and proposals to minimise and mitigate impacts. · This consultation will seek feedback on our priorities and initial concepts. Feedback will help shape our Draft Master Plan.
Celebrating 60 years
1957 - Bristol Airport opens on the site of a former WWII experimental fighter station called RAF Lulsgate Bottom.
1960s/70s - The world’s first supersonic jet, Concorde, was developed at Filton and first flew from there on April 9 1969.
2000 - New terminal opens and passenger numbers hit two million a year.
2003-2006 - Government White Paper on the future of air transport prompts first Bristol Airport Master plan.
2016 - Secretary of State for Transport, Chris Grayling MP, opens a second major terminal extension.
2017 - Passenger numbers reach eight million a year.
Estimated present and future economic impact of Bristol Airport
2017 – 8 million passengers / £1.3bn+ generated in the South West & South Wales / 15,000+ regional jobs.
2030s – 15 million passengers / £2.9bn+ generated in the South West & South Wales / 21,000+ regional jobs.
2040s - 20 million passengers / £3.9bn+ generated in the South West & South Wales / 25,000+ regional jobs.
Our five pillars
A world leading regional airport Delivering easy and convenient access, excellent on-time performance, friendly and efficient customer service, a great range of destinations, state-of-the-art facilities and a distinctive sense of place that reflects the unique part of the world we serve.
Employment and supporting economic growth Creating employment and supporting economic growth by connecting the South West of England and South Wales to new markets, talent and tourists.
At the heart of an integrated transport network Making Bristol Airport an integrated transport hub by bringing together different modes of transport, not just for our passengers and staff, but also for people travelling within, to and through the region.
Sustainable approach Seeking to reduce and mitigate our effect on communities and the environment, locally and globally, as well as finding opportunities to deliver enhancements.
Deliverability Developing proposals which are flexible enough to be delivered in phases to meet demand, and which represent value for money for passengers, airlines and other stakeholders.
Design ... view the full minutes text for item 44. |
The role of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) The Panel will receive a presentation on this item from the Divisional Director for Community Regeneration. Minutes: The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration gave a presentation to the Panel on this item. A copy of the presentation can be found on the Panel’s Minute Book and online as an appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.
· Established in February 2017 · Chaired by Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor · Facilitates more decision-making on a local level on transport, housing and skills · Has potential to bring more than £1 billion investment to the region over thirty years.
Interface with the LEP
Staff employed by WECA service both the LEP and the Combined Authority which are linked through their governance arrangements.
West of England Structure
LEP Board
WECA Board
Joint WoE Committee
Beneath the WECA Board and the Joint WoE Committee are the Skills Advisory Board, Business Advisory Board and the Infrastructure Advisory Board.
Funding Streams
LEP Funding
· Local Growth Fund · Revolving Infrastructure Fund · Economic Development Fund · Sustainable Transport Package
WECA Funding
· Gain Share Funding · Housing Infrastructure Fund · Housing Deal
Details regarding the Housing Infrastructure Fund and Housing Deal are still to be confirmed.
B&NES Priorities
· A strong economy and growth · A focus on prevention · A new relationship with customers and communities · An efficient business
WECA Priorities
Delivering economic growth for all, under three pillars: · Businesses that succeed · World class skills for employment · Infrastructure fit for the future
WECA-Funded Projects
· Joint Transport Study Highway Infrastructure · A37 to A362 Improvements · Hicks Gate Roundabout · Employment Support Innovation Pilot
LEP-Funded Projects
· Innovation Quay · Bath Flood Mitigation · Bath City Centre Transport Package · Metro West Phase 1
Expected Outcomes
· Safe, public spaces · Improved infrastructure · Upgraded connectivity · Better transport links · Modern Office Space · New homes
Future Opportunities
We anticipate that more funding will become available over the coming months as WECA matures.
B&NES will continue to bid for opportunities where they allow us to progress economic growth in the region.
Councillor Lisa O’Brien asked if the non-involvement of North Somerset in WECA would put extra pressure on B&NES, Bristol and South Gloucestershire in terms of housing delivery.
The Strategic Director for Place replied that feasibility studies were due to be carried out on this issue.
The Chairman thanked the Divisional Director for Community Regeneration for his presentation. |
This report presents the latest workplan for the Panel. Any suggestions for further items or amendments to the current programme will be logged and scheduled in consultation with the Panel’s Chair and supporting officers.
Minutes: The Chairman introduced this item to the Panel, he explained that two reports were currently due for March:
HMO Additional Licensing
Review of KPIs - Housing Performance Reports
He said that he would enquire whether the Panel could see the Housing Assessment document referred to earlier with regard to employment at Bath Quays.
Councillor Rob Appleyard suggested a future report for the Panel on the economic development status of Southgate.
The Panel RESOLVED to approve the matters raised. |