Agenda and minutes

Venue: Community Space, Keynsham - Market Walk, Keynsham. View directions

Contact: Corrina Haskins  01225 394357

No. Item



Welcome and introduction from the Chair of the Council, Cllr Sarah Moore.



The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from:


Cllr John Adler – Chair of Freshford Parish Council

Cllr Nicola Ainger – Chew Stoke Parish Council

Cllr KC Bradley – Chair of Timsbury Parish Council

Cllr Alison Born – B&NES

Camerton Parish Council

Simon de Beer, Head of Planning B&NES

Dawn Drury – Clerk to Keynsham Town Council and Chair of Compton Dando Parish Council

Cllr Peter Ghillyer - High Littleton Parish Council

Cllr Eleanor Jackson – Westfield Parish Council

Cllr Ann Morgan – B&NES

Cllr Robin Moss – B&NES and Clerk to Farrington Gurney Parish Council and Newton St Loe Parish Council

Cllr Steve Plumley - Midsomer Norton Town Council

Cllr Tony Purpuri - Bathampton Parish Council

Cllr Manda Rigby – B&NES

Cllr Paul Roper – B&NES

Susan Smith – Clerk to Compton Dando Parish Council

Stowey Sutton Parish Council

Cllr Sarah Warren – B&NES


6.35pm - 6.45pm Cabinet Priorities Update (including Q&A session)

Councillor David Wood, Bath & North East Somerset’s Deputy Leader (Council Priorities & Delivery) will provide the Forum with an overview of the Cabinet priorities following the May 2023 election.  There will be opportunity to ask questions.



Councillor David Wood, Bath & North East Somerset’s Deputy Leader (Council Priorities & Delivery) gave an overview of the Cabinet priorities following the May 2023 election. 


6.45pm - 7.00pm - Update including Parish Information Pack and Parish Charter (including Q&A)

Mandy Bishop to introduce a new Information Pack to help guide parishes on how to address frequently asked questions from residents relating to B&NES services.  She will also update the meeting on progress with the Parish Charter review.  To address issues raised previously regarding Planning, we will be organising some Planning Surgeries with Parishes.



It was noted that the updated Parish Information Pack would be circulated with the minutes of the meeting along with a link to a survey for Parish Council representatives to complete as part of the Parish Charter refresh.

Final Parish Information pack September 2023 pdf icon PDF 531 KB


7.00pm - 8.00pm - World Café Session

Mandy Bishop will give an overview of how the session will work and feed back from previous World Café Sessions.  Officers from key service areas will circulate the tables every 15 minutes over the course of an hour to meet parishes and take questions.


The ‘World Café’ style session will involve officers from the following teams:


·  Planning

·  Waste, Cleansing and Parks

·  Transport Strategy and Highways


This is your opportunity to meet some officers and discuss queries or concerns.



A ‘World Café’ style session was held where Parish Council representatives were given the opportunity to raise issues with Bath and North East Somerset Council officers from the following teams:


  • Planning
  • Waste, Cleansing and Parks
  • Transport Strategy and Highways





8.00pm - 8.10pm - Summary of Discussion and Next Steps

Mandy Bishop will summarise the discussion and how any queries will be taken forward.



1.  Would it be possible to have an organisational chart for the Council?

See section 1 How the Council Works in Parish Information Pack

2.  What roads are the Council responsible for?

3.  It appears that the potholes were worse this year (2023) than last year (2022).

4.  Do you work around the winter for potholes?

See section 11 Highways in Parish Information Pack.

5.  I raised a Fix My Street issue today and it was rejected and closed straight away.  What do you do when your response is insufficient, how do you escalate it?

See section 11 Highways in Parish Information Pack.

6.  Should we go to the Highway inspector or directly to Fix My Street?

See section 11 Highways in Parish Information Pack.

7.  Would it be possible to add information about timescales and priorities for issues reported on Fix My Street?

8.  Weeds growing into highways and pushing pavements apart is a growing problem.

9.  We understand that the council has been trialling a new system through Clean and Green and no longer uses chemicals to remove weeds and vegetation?

10.What are the different methods used during the trial and how much do each option costs in comparison?

11.I would like to compliment the Highways team for the work and responses.

12.Fix My Street – because the pinpoint of the map is so specific, when we submitted a request for road markings repainting, the team only did the section that was specifically marked and left the areas that were still needed.  How can we identify a wider location on the map to ensure that all the works are completed?

13.Compliments to the team who clean the gullies. 

14.The interactive map of the gullies also is really good. 

15.Comment made about the road maintenance in B&NES being noticeably better than across the border in Mendip.

16.Hedge management - responsibilities and legal processes for landowners.  Are you able to confirm when hedges are cut back and the enforcement in place if 14-day or 28-day notices have been ignored?

See section 16 Trees and Vegetation in Parish Information Pack.

17.When traffic lights and equipment are left at the side of roads, it can give the impression of neglect.  How do we report? 

See section 11 Highways in Parish Information Pack.

18.Both the Chew Valley and Shoscombe thanked the team for the improvements in place to alleviate flooding issues.

19.You say that you manage 119,000 square metres of highway – how many kilometers of road is that?  How long would it take you to resurface it all?  I am very concerned about recent promotion applauding yourselves on how much you’ve done when to resurface all the roads would take 50 years.  I am concerned that we are not doing it fast enough as a nation.  The Timsbury to Paulton route through Radford was closed for a week.  There is a 50 yard patch of resurfaced road, then 10 yards  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


8.10pm - 8.15pm - Chair's Closing Remarks

The Chair of the Council will close the meeting.


The Chair thanked everyone for attending and contributing to the meeting.


Date of next meeting

Wednesday 18 October 2023 at 6.30pm in Keynsham Community Space.



Wednesday 18 October 2023 at 6.30pm – 8.30pm in Keynsham Community Space