Agenda and minutes

Venue: Aix en Provence Room - Guildhall, Bath. View directions

Contact: Mark Hayward 01225 396975  Email:

Note No. Item

Actions arising from 23rd March Meeting







Individual meetings to be held with LSP Board members to develop the future of the Partnership





Agenda Item X


Actions outstanding from previous meetings









Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.




Note of the meeting of 14th December & Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 53 KB

  • Covers: (1) Actions outstanding (2) Minutes from previous meeting (3) LSP Board Work plan
  • Background material:(1) Minutes of 14th December (2) LSP Board Work Plan
  • Desired outcomes:LSP Board’s (1) Agreement on minutes  (2) Understanding of action item status (3) Noting and adding to the LSP Board Work Plan

Additional documents:


The detailed note of the meeting held on 14th December 2010 was agreed as a correct record.


There were no additions to the Forward Plan.



Refreshing the Sustainable Community Strategy and a review of Local Strategic Partnership Framework pdf icon PDF 30 KB

  • Covers: (1) A plan for the refresh of the Sustainable Community Strategy and review of the LSP to accommodate national and local change.
  • Background material:(1) Agenda Item 4 (Refreshing the Sustainable Community Strategy and a review of Local Strategic Partnership Framework)

·  Desired outcomes:  (1) Agree that officers review the Local Strategic Partnership framework to ensure it can lead and deliver the SCS in the most effective way possible. (2) Agree that the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for Bath and North East Somerset is refreshed to accommodate local and national change. (3) Agree the remit, programme and timetable for the SCS refresh.



A discussion and presentation on national and local change that will have an impact on the LSP and the way it works. Housing was raised as a key issue that needs to be added in our Partnership approaches.


A commitment was made to continue to work with LSP member organisations to review and update LSP priorities, the Sustainable Community Strategy and the LSP partnership framework.


Organisations within the LSP will have to increasingly engage the public, as power in many instances is now being devolved to communities. Communities can include communities of place and interest.


There is an opportunity for the LSP to be proactive and lead on specific areas of community enablement. The challenge moving forward will be to develop which areas to work on.



Individual meetings to be held with LSP Board members to develop the future of the Partnership (Action 50)




Local Area Agreement Performance Reward Grant Update pdf icon PDF 24 KB

  • Covers: (1) Update of the funding available for the LSP.
  • Background material:(1) Agenda Item 5 (Local Area Agreement Performance Reward Grant Programme Update) (2) Appendix 1 (Community Enablement Fund Profile) (3) Appendix 2 (Community Empowerment Fund Press Release)
  • Desired outcomes:LSP Board (1) Note the update on the funding opportunities

Additional documents:


The funding has now been formally confirmed by the Department of Local Government. The only change to previous reports that the Board has received is the change in the split of revenue / capital funding. The new split is 70% revenue and 30% capital.


The Council (as the accountable body) has decided to align the LAA Performance Reward Funding with other funding streams such as the Ward Councillors’ Initiative. This wider funding scheme is to be known as the ‘Community Enablement Fund’. The Small Grants Fund has now launched, with significant interest already being generated. It was noted that when submissions for funding are received, all funding streams will be reviewed to maximise all possible external and internal funding streams.


Governance, Other Business & LSP Board Requests



Theme Partnership Update (1) Responsible Authorities Group pdf icon PDF 20 KB

  • Covers: (1) Presentation and update on the work of the  Responsible Authorities Group & any requests they may have to the Board 
  • Background material: (1) Agenda Item 6 (RAG Update to the Board) (2) Annex 1 (Community Safety Chart)
  • Desired outcomes: LSP Board  (1) Note the reports attached and receive Presentations from the Partnership chairs on key issues in the relevant theme areas (2) Offer suggestions and guidance on next steps to help deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy

Additional documents:


Anti-social behaviour is one of the key areas that the RAG is working towards reducing. Avon & Somerset is one of eight national government pilot sites to develop new ways of dealing with anti-social behaviour. The RAG is working on a three pronged approach to reducing crime (offender, location, victim). First, an ‘integrated offender approach’, which involves focusing on offenders who are likely to reoffend. secondly, ‘local tasking’ that uses the available evidence base to reduce crime through such methods as PACTs and thirdly, increasing work with vulnerable people and victims.


PACTs are in general a good system of engagement but some are working better than others. It was agreed that working together in partnership has made this agenda much more tangible than in the past. 




Theme Partnership Update (2) Stronger Communities Delivery Partnership pdf icon PDF 20 KB

  • Covers: (1) Presentation and update on the work of Stronger Communities Delivery Partnership& any requests they may have to the Board 
  • Background material: LSP Board  (1) Agenda Item 6 (Stronger Communities Update to the Board)
  • Desired outcomes:1) Note the reports attached and receive Presentations from the Partnership chairs on key issues in the relevant theme areas (2) Offer suggestions and guidance on next steps to help deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy


Anti-social behaviour is one of the key areas that the RAG is working towards reducing. Avon & Somerset is one of eight national government pilot sites to develop new ways of dealing with anti-social behaviour. The RAG is working on a three pronged approach to reducing crime (offender, location, victim). First, an ‘integrated offender approach’, which involves focusing on offenders who are likely to reoffend. secondly, ‘local tasking’ that uses the available evidence base to reduce crime through such methods as PACTs and thirdly, increasing work with vulnerable people and victims.


PACTs are in general a good system of engagement but some are working better than others. It was agreed that working together in partnership has made this agenda much more tangible than in the past. 




LSP Board Dashboard and Updates pdf icon PDF 77 KB

  • Covers: (1) An update across the LSP on: ‘Resources’, ‘Updates and Progress’ and ‘Performance and Risk’ from the period of January-March 2011.
  • Background material: Agenda item 8 (LSP Board Dashboard Report)
  • Desired outcomes: LSP Board notes and comments on the dashboard


It was explained that the new performance review framework is being developed and the old system of LAA based performance no longer being reported.






Cllr Haeberling thanked all members for attending and closed the meeting.


The next meeting will take place on Thursday 7th July in the Council Chamber, Bath Guildhall.



Actions completed from previous meetings

(Actions will be shown once, then removed from subsequent minutes)








A project update to be provided on options for the next stage of the Whiteway project


March 2011



Health and Wellbeing Theme Sponsor to consider if a broader partnership response to excess winter deaths is required


March 2011



Linkages with the Environmental Sustainability Partnership (ESP) and Primary Care Trust to be further developed


Jane Wildblood / RB

March 2011
