Agenda and minutes

Venue: Brunswick Room - Guildhall, Bath

Contact: David Taylor  01225 - 394414

No. Item


Emergency evacuation procedure

The Chair will ask the Committee Administrator to draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure as set out under Note 7


The Senior Democratic Services Officer read out the procedure


Election of Vice Chair (if desired)


A Vice Chair was not required


Apologies for absence and Substitutions


There was an apology for absence from Councillor Bryan Organ whose substitute was Councillor Tim Warren


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members on any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting. Members are asked to indicate:

(a) The agenda item number and site in which they have an interest to declare.

(b) The nature of their interest.

(c) Whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or other interest (as defined in Part 2, A and B of the Code of Conduct and Rules for Registration of Interests)

Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest


To Announce any Urgent Business Agreed by the Chair


There was none.


The Chair took the opportunity to inform the meeting that the planning applications at the MoD site, Warminster Road, Bath (Item 1, Report 9) and Sherbourne Cottage, Bishop Sutton (Item 5, Report 9), and the report on the Tree Preservation Order at Midmar, Beacon Hill, Bath (Report 10) had been withdrawn from the Agenda. The MoD application and the Tree Preservation Order report should be considered at the next meeting on 11th February 2015.


Items from the Public - To receive Deputations, Statements, Petitions or Questions

(1) At the time of publication, no items had been submitted.


(2) To note that, regarding planning applications to be considered, members of the public who have given the requisite notice to the Committee Administrator will be able to make a statement to the Committee immediately before their respective applications are considered. There will be a time limit of 3 minutes for each proposal, ie 3 minutes for the Parish and Town Councils, 3 minutes for the objectors to the proposal and 3 minutes for the applicant, agent and supporters. This allows a maximum of 9 minutes per proposal.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer informed the meeting that there were no items from members of the public on matters other than planning applications. There were a number of people wishing to make statements on planning applications in Report 9 who would be able to do so when reaching those items later in the Agenda.


Items from Councillors and Co-opted Members

To deal with any petitions or questions from Councillors and where appropriate Co-opted Members


There was none


Minutes: 10th December 2014 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 10th December 2014

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 10th December 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair


Plans List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered


·  A report by the Group Manager – Development Management on various applications for planning permission etc.

·  An Update Report by the Group Manager on Item Nos. 1, 2 and 5, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 1

·  Oral statements on Item Nos. 2 – 4, 6 and 7, a copy of the Speakers List being attached to these Minutes as Appendix 2


RESOLVED that, in accordance with their delegated powers, the applications be determined as set out in the Decisions List attached as Appendix 3.


Item 1 MoD Warminster Road, Bath – Demolition of existing buildings; erection of 204 dwellings; 2 accesses from Warminster Road; vehicular parking; open space; landscaping (including tree removal); pumping station; and associated engineering works – This item was withdrawn from the Agenda and would be likely to be considered at the next meeting on 11th February 2015


Item 2 Pinesgate, Lower Bristol Road, Bath – Erection of an office building (Use Class B1) with basement parking, associated infrastructure and landscaping following the demolition of existing office building – The Case Officer reported on this application and her recommendation to (A) authorise the Group Manager, in consultation with the Planning and Environmental Law Manager, to enter into a S106 Agreement for various provisions; and (B) on completion of the Agreement, to grant permission subject to conditions. She referred to the Update Report which provided further information on this application and to the availability of a sample panel for Members to view prior to the meeting. The recommended Condition 3 could be amended as regards an acceptable sample panel to cover facing materials and details of window reveals. She also stated that there was no change to the footprint contrary to the statement in the report.


The public speakers made their statements against and in favour of the proposals.


Members asked questions for clarification to which Officers responded. Councillor Ben Stevens made a statement on the benefits of the scheme.


Councillor Ian Gilchrist (Ward Councillor on the Committee) stated that he had not received any representations on the proposals. He referred to the key elements of the development being height, size and use of materials which he considered to be acceptable.


Members asked further questions regarding materials and finishes. The Officers responded that the brickwork was done in different styles with some laid in stretcher courses – a smooth finish was possible despite the rough finish proposed as per the sample panel displayed in the meeting. The stone reveals were recessed as indicated in the photographs.


Councillor Les Kew supported the proposal in principle but was critical of the sample panel provided. He wanted to support the application but the materials and finishes had to be right. Councillor Rob Appleyard referred to various aspects of the scheme which he found to be acceptable although it was regretted that there were not more S106 contributions. The building would be there for a very long time so it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 101.


Tree Preservation Order 2014 - Midmar, Richmond Road, Beacon Hill, Bath pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To confirm the above Tree Preservation Order without modification


This item was withdrawn from the Agenda and would be likely to be considered at the next meeting on 11th February 2015


New Planning Appeals Lodged, Decisions Received and Dates of Forthcoming Hearings/Inquiries pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To note the report


Councillor Les Kew queried why an appeal had been lodged against non-determination at 21A Bellotts Road, Twerton, Bath. The Group Manager replied that he would check on this and respond to Councillor Kew outside the meeting.


Councillor Kew referred to the forthcoming Inquiries on appeals relating to various sites involving large development schemes and stated that the outcome of these Inquiries would be very important for future planning in the B&nes area.


Councillor Manda Rigby stated that it would be useful if a similar report to Planning Appeals could be submitted to the Committee on enforcement matters. The Chair replied that he would investigate this with appropriate Officers.


The report was noted.