Issue - meetings

Planning Policy on Temporary festival banners and promotional material

Meeting: 11/04/2012 - Cabinet (Item 200)

200 Planning Policy on Temporary festival banners and promotional material pdf icon PDF 104 KB

The report sets out the options and proposals for supplementary planning guidance on temporary festival banners and  promotional material within Bath


Additional documents:


Jane Brown (Bath Preservation Trust) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 3 and on the Council's website] welcomed the Council’s intention to manage banner displays, but felt that option 3 would be too heavy-handed and expensive.  She asked Cabinet to approve option 2.  The Trust was willing to work with Cabinet to produce suitable guidance.

Councillor Tim Ball thanked Jane Brown for her statement.  He agreed to involve the Bath Preservation Trust in the plans and said he would ask officers to prepare a stakeholders engagement schedule.  He confirmed however that he believed that option 3 was the right way ahead and moved the recommendation to progress Option 3.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the proposal.  He observed that a recent international conference on digital media had been held in Bath, but no one had known because there was no public signage.  More recently, the Bath Literary Festival had been held but there had also been no public signage.  He felt that the city should celebrate the many events which are held in the city and that properly managed signage was one way to do this.  He emphasised the importance of good design and proper lamppost fixings to ensure that the best impression is given to visitors to the city.

Councillor Cherry Beath was very pleased that the issue was at last being addressed.  She agreed that the Bath Preservation Trust should be involved in preparing the guidance notes.

Councillor Tim Ball confirmed that he would engage with the Trust at an early stage.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Cherry Beath, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To PROGRESS the process outlined in Option 3: Maximise Control and Corporate Management; and 

(2) To ASK that a further report is brought to Cabinet following completion of the stages A-E so that Cabinet can consider the submission of a planning application; agree the implementation process; and agree any necessary additional funding to cover additional costs.
