Issue - meetings

MoD Concept Statements

Meeting: 11/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 42)

42 MoD Concept Statements pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The draft Concept Statements set out the Council’s planning framework for the redevelopment of the MoD Sites in Bath at Foxhill, Warminster Road and Ensleigh.  They are an early stage in the preparation of the Council’s Placemaking Plan. This report highlights the key issues arising from the public consultation undertaken on the draft Concept Statements during April and May 2012 and recommends an appropriate course of action.


Additional documents:


Alan Langton read a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 9] on behalf of Caroline Kay (Chair, Bath Preservation Trust).  The Trust expressed its support in principle for housing-led development on the three sites, but with some caveats.  In particular, with reference to the Ensleigh site, the Trust was appalled at the assumptions being made about the additional use of adjacent green fields for amenity provision and had other reasons for believing that the feasible number of dwellings was overstated in the report.  The Trust asked Cabinet to make considerable changes to the Ensleigh Concept statement in the light of these concerns.

Philip Haile (Transition Bath) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 10] expressed a number of concerns and offered to work with the Council to discuss viability issues and to find solutions which would support the local economy.  He felt in particular that the specification of 20% sustainable housing lacked ambition and should be 100%.  He referred to the full response statement previously submitted by the group and asked that it be taken fully into account when finalising the Concept Statements.  [The group’s response document has been attached to these Minutes as Appendix 11.]

Adrian Tinniswood (Beckford Tower Trust) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 12] expressed serious concern about the possible impact which the Ensleigh proposals would have on views to and from Beckford Tower.  He appealed to Cabinet to remove the reference to the possible use of playing fields for development; and to strengthen the references to the setting of Beckford Tower.

Lesley Mansell (Chair, Radstock Town Council) in an ad hoc statement referred to paragraph 7 and observed that the Equality Impact Assessment was not included with the report.  She felt that women’s jobs would be endangered because of the loss of employment at the MoD sites.

The Chair explained that Equality Impact Assessments were posted on the Council’s website and were also available on request.  He promised to provide Lesley with a copy of the document following the meeting.

Cllr Patrick Anketell-Jones in an ad hoc statement said he felt that the site was not large enough to attract a bus service, shop, community hall etc and the Concept statement must retain the option for expansion if the site were to remain sustainable.

Councillor Tim Ball emphasised that it was still the early stages of the proposals.  He thanked the contributors for their comments and agreed to work with them.  He explained that he would propose an additional clause to the officer recommendations, to the effect that officers would be asked to undertake investigations into the impact of requiring 20% or more of the new homes to meet level 5 or above of the  Code for Sustainable Homes.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He felt that the points raised by the contributors had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42
