Issue - meetings

Concept Statements for MoD Sites in Bath

Meeting: 11/04/2012 - Cabinet (Item 201)

201 Concept Statements for MoD Sites in Bath pdf icon PDF 63 KB

The Concept Statements are being prepared to set out the Council's broad planning principles to guide development on the Mod Sites at Warminster Road, Foxhill and Ensleigh in preparation for the forthcoming disposal by the MoD

Note: Appendices 1-3 of this report were not available at the time of despatch and will be published as a supplementary despatch in due course.


Additional documents:


Jane Brown (Bath Preservation Trust) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 4 and on the Council's website] welcomed the publication of the draft statements and supported the consultation and communication approach outlined in the proposals.  She asked that the Trust be consulted on the development of the guidance documents.

Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement welcomed the principle but expressed considerable disappointment that the issue had been brought to Cabinet before any discussion with the Local Development Fund Steering Group.  He observed that the Ensleigh proposals mentioned the view “from Beckfords Tower” but not the view “of Beckfords Tower”.  This was a significant omission and he felt it must be remedied.

Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones in an ad hoc statement said that he felt the Ensleigh proposals would struggle to exist in their own right, if in competition with Fox Hill.  He asked Cabinet to ensure its viability.

Councillor Tim Ball in proposing the item, said that the documents were still draft, and that a consultation period was starting.  He acknowledged that although the formal consultation process would end on 31st of May, but agreed with Councillor Gerrish that the LDF Steering Group would be fully consulted before the end of the period.  He made a promise to Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones that full consideration would be given to his comments about the Ensleigh proposals.

Councillor Ball moved the recommendations, but with one amendment, the effect of which would be to confirm that the consultation responses would be used to amend the documents before they were launched.

Councillor Nathan Hartley seconded the proposal.  He observed that the proposals were about more than building houses – they needed to be about building communities.  He said that integration into the existing communities must be ensured, and reminded Cabinet of the lost opportunity in Peasedown St John where the failure to build a link road between the old and the new had led to social division.

Councillor Roger Symonds said that the proposals were very good.  They would include 20mph speed limits from the start.  He observed that plans had gone ahead very quickly, and asked how people would be kept informed.  He suggested that, in order to ensure good consultation with the 3 existing communities, a leaflet drop should be arranged.

Councillor Cherry Beath said that she welcomed Councillor Ball’s amended wording, which she felt would underline that the Cabinet wished to listen.

Councillor Tim Ball thanked all contributors.  He agreed with Councillor Symonds that a leaflet drop would be arranged on all 3 sites.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Nathan Hartley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

1) To APPROVE the draft Concepts Statements for the MoD sites at Ensleigh, Foxhill, and Warminster Road for public consultation;

(2) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director of Planning & Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, to make minor textual amendments prior to publication of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 201
