Issue - meetings

Bath & North East Somerset Council Public Library Plan 2012-15

Meeting: 11/04/2012 - Cabinet (Item 198)

198 Bath & North East Somerset Council Public Library Plan 2012-15 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

The plan sets out the 2012-15 strategic priorities for the Library Service, describing the 5 key principles which will inform the allocation of resources and the direction to embed the service within local communities over the next 3 years


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Councillor Malcolm Veal in an ad hoc statement welcomed some elements of the plans, particularly relating to the volunteering, home delivery and the plans for Paulton Library.  He felt however that a more strategic vision was required for the future.  There had been a 900-signature petition to save the mobile libraries but the report showed that the service was being cut.  He urged the Cabinet to take more time to consider the options available before making a decision.

Peter Duppa Miller in an ad hoc statement on behalf of Combe Hay Parish Council welcomed the pilot library at Wellow.

Councillor David Dixon, in proposing the item, said that the Council had consulted widely before bringing the Library Plan for approval.  A way had been found to avoid cutting both mobile libraries, in addition to retaining all the smaller libraries which would be able to open longer hours as a result of the proposals.  The community libraries proposals were exciting, and he had set a target of 3 to be opened by March 2013.  The planned library links in post offices and shops was also exciting and would greatly benefit communities where a library building was not viable.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He explained to Councillor Veal that the plans would ensure the future of local libraries long into the future.  He announced that Ed Vaisey (Minister for Culture) has agreed to visit the opening of the first community library, and invited Peter Duppa Miller to join them on that day.

Councillor Nathan Hartley said that the Cabinet had been determined to invest in the mobile library service, despite the fact that Somerset, Wilts and South Glos were all cutting large amounts from their library services.  He noted that opening hours were being extended and the mobile service maintained following the extensive consultation process.  He had been delighted to hear about the “friends” groups being set up, and observed that there had been no problem getting volunteers.  He warmly welcomed the planned extension to the Home Library Service, which would be a great benefit to vulnerable people.

Councillor Roger Symonds said that he had at first been concerned about the future of the mobile service in his own ward, but was now pleased with the plans which would ensure improvement into the future.

Councillor David Dixon thanked Councillor Symonds for his involvement in developing the plans.  He mentioned that free WiFi was also being extended into libraries.

On a motion from Councillor David Dixon, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the Library plan and funding options.
