Issue - meetings

(Rule 16) Improving access to superfast broadband in Bath and North East Somerset: the Broadband Delivery UK Opportunity

Meeting: 11/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 134)

(Rule 16) Improving access to superfast broadband in Bath and North East Somerset: the Broadband Delivery UK Opportunity

A Local Broadband Plan is required, to access funding from Government for bringing superfast broadband to 90% of all premises.  A final plan must be agreed with the Government by the end of April.  Somerset, Devon, North Somerset, Plymouth and Torbay Councils have a joint project called ‘Connecting Devon and Somerset’ which is open to B&NES to join. 

This report is being tabled under ‘Special Urgency’ measures (Rule 16) because:

(1) the government has brought forward the deadline for submitting a Local Broadband Plan to end of February 2012;

(2) the timetable for connecting with the ‘Connecting Devon and Somerset’ project;

(3) the Capital expenditure must be signed off as part of the budget setting process by Council in February 2012.



The Chair explained that the item had been brought to Cabinet under the Council’s provision for Special Urgency (Rule 16).  He drew attention to the report, which had been placed into the public gallery before the meeting [copies of which are attached to these Minutes and are on the Council’s website].

Councillor Eleanor Jackson made an ad hoc statement emphasising the needs of small business for efficient, reliable broadband.  She urged the Cabinet to adopt the proposals in the report.

Councillor Martin Veal in an ad hoc statement expressed his disappointment that Cabinet had not been able to consult on the proposals because of the urgency.  He felt that the delay in adopting a scheme had caused confusion, and that it was essential that the Council should proceed with the plans.

Councillor Neil Butters in an ad hoc statement acknowledged that the Council had to look at all options, and observed that the option being proposed was half the price of the previous, rejected option.  His constituents experienced dreadful broadband speeds, so a decision to proceed would be very welcome.  He urged Cabinet to join the scheme, so that the economic benefits of superfast broadband could be shared by all.

Councillor Peter Anketell-Jones, in an ad hoc statement, said that he had been amazed to discover that in some areas 50% of people work from home and therefore rely on good communications technology.  Adopting the proposed scheme would enable small businesses to take on bigger contracts.

Councillor Cherry Beath, in proposing the item, drew attention to paragraph 1.1 of the report, which explained the reasons for urgency.  She thanked the officers who had put so much effort into preparing the report in such a short timescale, and who had negotiated the excellent arrangements with the “Connecting Devon and Somerset” project.  She reminded Cabinet that they had always been committed to obtaining the best coverage, speeds and value for money.  The previously rejected scheme had not delivered that, but the new proposals would deliver all three.  In terms of cost, it would be £475K over 3 years, as opposed to more than £1M for the previous proposals.  She referred to paragraph 5.5 of the report, which showed that the Council’s investment would trigger further funding of £2.249M.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He observed that the proposals made by the previous administration would have left parts of the area without coverage, despite the much larger cost; but the new proposals would offer 100% coverage at the greatly reduced cost to the Council.  He thanked officers for the hard work they had done to negotiate the agreement.

Councillor David Bellotti said that he had previously raised the issue that 85% coverage for a cost of more than £1M was not good value.  He now welcomed a scheme which would provide 100% coverage for £425K and felt that residents of rural areas would welcome this as a much better scheme.

On a motion from Councillor cherry Beath, seconded by Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 134
