Issue - meetings

Award of new contracts for Bath Park & Ride bus services

Meeting: 14/03/2012 - Cabinet (Item 176)

176 Award of new contracts for Bath Park and Ride bus services pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To agree the award of contracts for Bath Park & Ride services operating from sites at Newbridge, Lansdown, and Odd Down.


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Councillor Neil Butters in an ad hoc statement thanked the Cabinet for extending the Park and Ride service to Sunday opening.  He emphasised the importance of late night opening too and appealed to Cabinet to conduct a feasibility study to explore this.

The Chair referred to Appendix A of the report, which had been the subject of a Public Interest Test.  He asked the Cabinet to agree that the document was exempt from publication.

On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor Roger Symonds, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that Appendix A is an exempt item and is not for publication, by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

[The Chair then asked Cabinet members to agree not to refer to the exempt appendix during the debate and all agreed.]

Councillor Roger Symonds introduced the report.  He observed that the 8-year contract on offer had attracted a number of bids.  He referred to paragraph 5.1 of the report, which explained that the basis of the contract had been changed from gross to net, which bidders had also found attractive.  The proposals would ensure no fare increases until April 2013, and never longer than 15 minutes between buses.  He promised to explore the request made by Councillor Neil Butters and explained that, although late night service would not prove too expensive, it would require planning permission and would take some time to arrange.

Councillor Symonds moved the recommendations, which he said were a good deal for local people, especially for those who lived in north east Somerset who would benefit greatly from the improved Park and Ride service.  He thanked the report author, Richard Smith (Senior Public Transport Officer) for the work he had done towards achieving the best deal.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the proposal.  He felt that this was a very good deal, which would save the Council £200K and at the same time would deliver extra facilities, especially during special events.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(2) To NOTE the tender prices received as set out in Appendix A; and

(3) To AGREE the award of contracts as recommended in the report.
