Issue - meetings

Review of Hackney Carriage Tariff Rates

Meeting: 14/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Review of Hackney Carriage Tariff Rates pdf icon PDF 44 KB

This report considers the annual review of the taxi tariff rate taking into consideration the inflation in average earnings and the increased costs of motoring


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Councillor Roger Symonds, in proposing the item, observed that no objections had been received during the consultation period.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.


In the 1980’s Bath City Council adopted a formula to calculate a “fair” increase in the tariff rate.  With only one or two exceptions this formula has been used every year to calculate the percentage increase.  The adopted formula used for calculating the proposed tariff rate is one-half of the percentage increase in the Average Earnings Index plus one-half of the percentage increase in the cost of motoring.  Using the formula the proposed increase calculates as 5.64%.  The formula is based on the annual increase between the 1st April and the 31st March the following year. However, since the last review there has been a sharp rise in the price of fuel which has made a substantial increase in the running costs of Hackney Carriage vehicles.  The proposed increase is in line with the formula that the Council uses to calculate an increase and is based on current information from the Office of National Statistics.

Other Options Considered


On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE an increase of 5.64% on the current Hackney Carriage fares for time and distance.
