Issue - meetings

Medi vend placement at Peasedown Youth centre

Meeting: 14/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 66)

66 Medi vend placement at Peasedown Youth centre pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Medi vend placement at Peasedown Youth centre: This is part of the PCT strategy to deliver sexual health services to young people in Bath and North East Somerset. Medi vend "vends" condoms, chlamydia testing kits and information and advice to young people who are registered on the C-card scheme


Additional documents:


Councillor Anthony Clarke made an ad hoc statement expressing his support for the proposals.  He felt that, at some point, the evidence base should be presented for the claimed benefits.  He asked whether the costs would be met by the Council or by the PCT Social Enterprise.  He also asked that the Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel should be involved in any proposals to develop the provision.

Councillor Nathan Hartley said that he would approach the Chair of the relevant Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel about future involvement.  He felt that the proposals demonstrated that the Council was serious about caring for young people.

In proposing the item, Councillor Hartley added a third clause, the effect of which was to agree that further installations could take place at other locations.

Councillor Simon Allen seconded the proposal.  He emphasised the need for young people to get good quality advice and support.

Councillor Tim Ball thanked Councillor Hartley for bringing the proposals to Cabinet.  He said it was a shame that the previous Medi vend, installed at Southside Youth Centre, had not been discussed openly by the previous administration before being installed.  In the light of this, he asked Councillor Hartley if he would accept an additional clause, the effect of which would be to ratify in retrospect the previous installation of a Medi vend at Southside Youth Club.

Councillors Hartley and Allen readily agreed to the request..


The medi-vend is a tool for enabling young people to access safe confidential sexual health services, offering good quality information and advice this will lead to the improvement of good sexual health for young people, reduction in teenage pregnancy and abortion rates. The medi-vend adds to the services already provided at Peasedown and is complimentary to the delivery program.

Other Options Considered


On a motion from Councillor Nathan Hartley, seconded by Councillor Simon Allen, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that Medi-Vend machine will increase the range and quality of sexual health services available to young people and it will enhance delivery and the service provided by Youth Workers, in an area of greatest need;

(2) To AGREE that it will help to protect young people from sexuality transmitted diseases, reduce teenage pregnancy as well as providing information about drugs.

(3) To AGREE that further Medi-Vend machines may be installed around the local authority in locations where there is a need, in agreement with senior Children’s Service and Youth Service staff.

(4) To RATIFY the existing installation of a Medi-Vend machine at Southside Youth Centre.

[Clause (4) above was included at the request of Councillor Tim Ball, after the mover and seconder had agreed to adopt it as part of the substantive motion]
