Issue - meetings

Policy Statement - Academies and Free Schools

Meeting: 14/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Policy Statement - Academies and Free Schools pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To agree the Council's policy approach to the development of school academies and free schools and resulting changes to the Council's role in working with such schools


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Councillor Anthony Clarke made an ad hoc statement offering his support and pointing out that the proposals were in line with government policy.

Councillor Nathan Hartley, in proposing the item, observed that governments had been giving increasing autonomy to schools since 1988.  The Local authority retained many responsibilities, and must have a strategy on how to fulfil its role.  He thanked the education officers for their work, and particularly thanked Councillor Dine Romero for her advice and support over this issue.  He referred to clause (2) of the proposals, which would ensure that the policy would be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remained current.

Councillor Tim Ball seconded the proposals.

Councillor Roger Symonds said that said that he was supportive of Academies but was suspicious of Free Schools because although some were excellent, others were not so.  He supported the proposals.

Councillor David Bellotti said that government would only approve a Free School when there were existing empty places, and in fact had only approved 24 Free Schools across the country last year.

Councillor Nathan Hartley confirmed that government was very cautious about approving Free Schools.


The Government’s approach to the development of academies is a ‘permissive’ one, which allows schools (subject to certain conditions) to apply directly to the Department for Education (DfE) to be allowed to convert. Equally, any group which believes there is demand for a new free school can put forward proposals to DfE. Whilst the Council may choose to express a view about an application for an academy or a free school, the decision to approve rests with the Secretary of State.

The authority retains a number of statutory responsibilities for specific functions relating to academy pupils as well as an overall responsibility towards all children and young people in the area. It is appropriate for the authority to have a proactive and coherent approach to these developments and to its evolving role.

Other Options Considered


On a motion from Councillor Nathan Hartley, seconded by Councillor Tim Ball, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To ADOPT the policy statement regarding the Council’s proposed approach to the development of academies and free schools and to the evolving role of the Council in working with schools;

(2) To ASK the lead member to review this policy statement periodically to ensure it remains current and reflects changes and developments in our local context.
