Issue - meetings

Consideration of Matters Referred by Overview and Scrutiny Bodies

Meeting: 14/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 31)

Consideration of Matters Referred by Overview and Scrutiny Bodies

Council, in its Scrutiny Role, was asked by the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel to consider the Call-in of the Cabinet Member decision (taken on 23-Feb-11) to close Culverhay School.  That Council meeting is scheduled to be held at 6:30pm on 14-July-11.  The Cabinet at its own meeting will consider its response to any recommendations which Council might decide to refer to Cabinet relating to the Call-in.  Should Council decide to make no recommendations, then Cabinet will have nothing to consider at this item.



The Chair announced that the Council meeting considering the Call-in of the Culverhay School Closure Notice had upheld the Call-in and had referred the decision back to Cabinet to reconsider the decision.
