Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Contingency 2011/12 - Allocation of Funding (Rule 15)

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Revenue Budget Contingency 2011/12 - Allocation of Funding pdf icon PDF 59 KB

As part of the Approved Budget for 2011/2012, additional funding was set aside in the Revenue Budget Contingency for future allocation once the full implications of government grant decisions for the financial year were clarified.  This report sets out details of the allocations which have been approved from the Revenue Budget Contingency.



Councillor Charles Gerrish made an ad hoc statement pointing out that the allocation of £2500 to locally important buildings list SPD appeared to conflict with the response given by Councillor Tim Ball to question 19.  The Chair referred this statement to Councillor Tim Ball to respond during the debate.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in an ad hoc statement referred to the allocation of £50K for redundant toilets and asked whether the 3 locations included Radstock Victoria Square.

Councillor David Bellotti, in proposing the motion, pointed out that this item had been added to the agenda under the Council's General Urgency (Rule 15), so it had not appeared in the Executive forward Plan and it would not be subject to Call-in.  He expressed his sadness that the Council appeared to leave redundant toilets in mothballs to disintegrate slowly and he assured Councillor Jackson that the Radstock toilet would be included in the list of those to be secured and maintained.

Councillor Bellotti pointed out the funding which had been allocated for the internet café in Paulton and said he was particularly pleased about this.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the motion.

Councillor Roger Symonds responded to the comments made earlier about the regularity of the 6/7 bus service and agreed that the wording had been confusing.  He acknowledged that funding had still to be found for subsequent years.  He was delighted to welcome the Frome/Radstock rail link feasibility study.

Councillor Tim Ball responded to Councillor Charles Gerrish’s observation about the important buildings SPD by saying that it was the intention to complete the SPD but that the urgency of the MOD site work had prevented officer time from being spent on it.

Councillor Nathan Hartley expressed his delight at the allocation of £20K for Peasedown Youth Arts Room.

On a motion from Councillor David Bellotti, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously):

(1) To NOTE the report.
