Issue - meetings

Visitor Accommodation Strategy

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Visitor Accommodation Strategy pdf icon PDF 53 KB

This report considers the next steps for the future of the B&NES Visitor Accommodation Strategy. Both the Visitor Accommodation Study, and the strategy arising from it, have been taken into account in the preparation of the Core Strategy and the Economic Strategy.  However, the Council has the option to adopt the B&NES Visitor Accommodation Strategy as Council policy.


Additional documents:


Leslie Redwood (Co-Chairman, Bath Independent Guest Houses Association), made a statement [a copy of which is attached as Appendix 6 to these minutes and is available on the Council’s website] in which he emphasised that a violent explosion in growth in visitor accommodation would only have short term benefits for developers and shareholders outside of Bath, and would be to the long term detriment of the city.  So he welcomed the proposed policy, which he said had very wide support across the city.

David Greenwood (ex Chairman, Bath Independent Guest Houses Association), made a statement [a copy of which is attached as Appendix 7 to these minutes and is available on the Council’s website] in which he asked the Cabinet to adopt the Visitor Accommodation Strategy into the local planning guidelines, thus guiding developers and planners with an evidence based framework which he felt would highlight the opportunities for balanced growth.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson observed that the survey was focussed almost entirely on the city of Bath.  She felt that the tourist economy of north east Somerset deserved equal attention.

Councillor Les Kew observed that even though the strategy had not been official policy, it had for a long time been taken into consideration when applications had been considered by the Planning Committee.

Mary Lynch (Chair, Bath Tourism Plus), made an ad hoc statement reminding the Cabinet of the need to reconcile all of the tensions so as to make Bath very attractive for business.  She felt that the proposed strategy would provide a consistent message.

Councillor Tim Ball, in proposing the motion, reminded Councillor Eleanor Jackson that the strategy was a B&NES wide strategy.  He felt that there was room in the area for a mix of different kinds of hotel.  He shared the regret expressed by others that the strategy had not been adopted a number of years before when it had been prepared.

Councillor Roger Symonds seconded the motion.  He emphasised the need for a clear vision for the future and stressed the need to avoid an inappropriate level of stag and hen parties.  He was keen to see small hotels in the Radstock area succeed.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Roger Symonds, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously):

(1) To PUBLISH the Visitor Accommodation Strategy for consultation; and

(2) To ASK the Divisional Director Tourism Leisure and Culture to arrange that the results of the public consultation, along with any suggested amendments arising, are reported to a future Cabinet meeting, with options for adoption as Council Policy.
