Issue - meetings

Bath Transport Package

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Bath Transport Package pdf icon PDF 67 KB

By 9th Sept 2011 the Council must submit a Best & Final Bid to DfT for the funding of the Bath Transport Package.  The Council meeting on 14th July is the last opportunity to amend the transport policy to reflect what is likely to be included in the Best and Final Bid.  Following the Comprehensive Spending Review Department for Transport have indicated that they wish to reduce costs, enhance value and improve deliverability of major transport schemes. DfT also wish to increase Local Authority contribution.  In January DfT requested an ‘expression of interest’ from the Council for the Bath Package which proposed removing some parts of the package.  Further work has been undertaken to reduce the cost of the Package which has resulted in the removal of the BRT and the A4 P&R from the BTP.  The removal of these proposals are departures from the Council’s existing transport policy as set out in the Joint Local Transport Plan.



Peter Davis made a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 8 and is available on the Council's website] welcoming the removal from the Package of the Rapid Transport and the A4 P&R proposals.

Major Tony Crombie (The Bath Society) made a statement welcoming the removal of Bathampton Meadows Park and Ride from the proposals.

Councillor John Bull made an ad hoc statement welcoming the removal of the rapid transport proposals and the Bathampton Park and Ride proposals.  However, he was bemused that the total Council contribution had not reduced.

Councillor Tim Warren made an ad hoc statement pointing out that there had been no new alternatives put forward by Cabinet.  He felt that the new scheme lacked substance.

David Dunlop made an ad hoc statement emphasising that a Park and Ride in Batheaston would not reduce congestion on the London Road because “suppressed demand” would take up the slack.  He encouraged the Cabinet to consider rail options.

Councillor Roger Symonds, in proposing the motion, referred to the amended recommendations which he wished to move [copies of which had been placed in the public gallery and are attached to these Minutes as Appendix 2].  The update document also contained details of the Financial Implications of the new proposals.  He said that the previous plans had not attracted government funding and so it had been necessary to put together a realistic bid for government funding in the short time since the local elections.  Only 6 weeks still remained before the final submission had to be made to government.  He agreed with others that the bus provision should be much better, and promised to improve the Council’s relationship with First Bus so as to have greater influence in their commercial decisions.  He also emphasised that there was tremendous demand for rail transport but to capitalise on this it would be essential for trains to stop at stations such as Keynsham.

Councillor Symonds referred to clauses 2.15 to 2.21 of the amended recommendations and said that officers would work with the Cabinet to look at these in the time remaining until September when the application would be finalised.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the motion.  He said that the previous administration’s policy had been designed when money was no object but the new financial realities meant that it was necessary to give careful consideration to priorities and value for money.

Councillor David Bellotti said that it was important to pause for thought about the financial implications.  £7M had already been spent by the previous administration and it was essential to get some value for that money.  He acknowledged the point made by Councillor Bull about the Council’s contribution being the same, for a smaller package, but said that made it all the more important to get good value.  It still remained to persuade the Minister to fund the scheme.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15
