Issue - meetings

Future development of Bath City Liaison Forum

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Future development of Bath City Liaison Forum pdf icon PDF 56 KB

This report sets out proposals to further develop partnership working between the Council and organisations representing local residents and other groups and organisations within the City of Bath. It builds on and develops the work of the Bath City Liaison Forum and makes recommendations relating to future ways of working, in the context of the "Big Society"



David Dunlop (London Road Residents Association) made an ad hoc statement in which he pointed out that the lack of support for some meetings was caused by late notice for meetings.  He appealed to the Cabinet to plan and advertise dates well in advance to maximise involvement.

David Redgewell underlined what David Dunlop had said and observed that the Council was still not reaching the hard-to-reach groups.

Councillor Paul Crossley introduced the report and proposed the recommendations.  He agreed that it would be essential to move towards planned, scheduled meetings and that the involvement must extend beyond residents associations.  He called for more task and finish ideas to make the forum more successful.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the motion and pointed out that the Street Cleansing Equipment decision, which had been signed off that very day, had arisen out of the task and finish group from the forum.

Councillor Roger Symonds wished to emphasise that what was needed was the involvement of interest groups such as Women’s Institute, Townswomen’s Guild etc.

Councillor Tim Ball said that in order to involve the harder-to-reach communities, it would be essential to have concrete proposals to discuss so that the forum did not become merely a talking shop.

Councillor Crossley agreed to make the point about interest groups to the officers, so that it could be built in as the arrangements were developed.

On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously):

(1) To ADOPT the approach to the future development of the Bath City Liaison Forum as set out in the report;

(2) To ESTABLISH an Interim Steering Group with the membership as set out in the report;

(3) To REQUEST the Interim Steering Group to prepare detailed Terms of Reference, membership and working arrangements to be agreed by the Leader of Council and presented for approval to the first meeting of the revised Forum.
