Issue - meetings

Price of Primary School Meals

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Price of Primary School Meals pdf icon PDF 48 KB

The proposal is to set the price of primary school meals from 1 September 2011.


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Councillor Nathan Hartley, in proposing the motion, emphasised the financial pressures on parents at this difficult time and said that the Cabinet wished to alleviate this wherever possible.  Despite a recommendation from the Schools Forum that the price should increase by 5p per child per day, the Cabinet had expressed its wish to keep the price the same for another year by funding the shortfall out of contingency.  This would cost £31K in a full year.

Councillor Tim Ball seconded the motion.  He was delighted for parents and particularly felt this would help large families.

Councillor David Dixon welcomed the proposals, particularly since some families depended on a decent school meal each day.

Councillor David Bellotti asked Councillor Hartley if he would obtain research findings on attainment and attention spans of children who had eaten a good meal at lunch time.

On a motion from Councillor Nathan Hartley, seconded by Councillor Tim Ball, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously):

(1) To AGREE that the price of a school meal for a pupil in the Council’s primary schools will not increase from 1 September 2011 and will stay at £2.00 per meal.
