Issue - meetings

Housing Renewal Policy Review

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Housing Renewal Policy Review pdf icon PDF 53 KB

The Council is required to adopt and publish a Housing Renewal Policy.  This policy is periodically reviewed and revised as required.  It sets out how Housing Services will provide assistance, including financial assistance, to help low-income, elderly, disabled and other vulnerable residents to undertake essential repairs and adaptations.


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Councillor Vic Pritchard made an ad hoc statement welcoming the policy.  He drew attention to the proposal to allow exceptional circumstances awards to be determined by an officer under delegated powers but said that he felt these decisions should be made by the Cabinet member.

Councillor Tim Ball, in proposing the motion, thanked Councillor Pritchard for his support and noted his comment.  He said that the policy would come back to Cabinet in one year and that would allow an opportunity for the arrangements to be reconsidered.

Councillor Roger Symonds seconded the motion.

Councillor Simon Allen welcomed the policy and said that it would enable people to remain healthy, independent and safe in their own homes for as long as possible.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Roger Symonds, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously):

(1) To ADOPT the Home Health and Safety Policy 2011 as the Council’s Housing Renewal Policy;

(2) To AGREE that the budget allocations detailed within the policy are applied in conjunction with the policy;

(3) To AGREE that the policy is reviewed in 1 year.
