Issue - meetings

Quality Partnership Scheme for Corridor 3 of the Greater Bristol Bus Network

Meeting: 10/08/2011 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Quality Partnership Scheme for Corridor 3 of the Greater Bristol Bus Network pdf icon PDF 50 KB

The Greater Bristol Bus Network (GBBN) major scheme includes the establishment of quality partnership schemes on ten bus route corridors in the West of England area. This scheme will cover the corridor between Bath and Bristol. It will set quality standards for bus operators who wish to use the new infrastructure and facilities.


Additional documents:


Councillor Tim Warren made an ad hoc statement welcoming the West of England transport scheme which was almost at fruition.  He asked Cabinet to work hard to achieve a maximum fares ceiling.  He urged Cabinet to secure more frequent services on the A37 between Bristol and the Norton Radstock area.

Councillor Roger Symonds, in proposing the item, said that the first Quality Partnership Scheme (between Midsomer Norton and Bath) was almost complete.  This second scheme would be due for completion in 2012.  He agreed that the 4 authorities had worked well together and commended the hard work already done by Councillor Charles Gerrish.  He thanked officers for their work too and warned that the second scheme would be more difficult to achieve.  He would be meeting soon with First Bus and would argue strongly for equitable fares but reminded Councillor Tim Warren that he had no powers to enforce fare rates.

Councillor Nathan Hartley Nathan seconded the proposal and said that attention should be given to the relationship between the Council and First Bus.

Councillor Paul Crossley said that the scheme being proposed was a continuation of ongoing work.  He felt that attention must be paid to family friendly pricing, especially at off-peak times.


The recommended actions are a key part of the delivery of the GBBN major scheme.

Other Options Considered

Consideration has been given to removing some of the standards of services from the quality partnership scheme and negotiating them for inclusion in the voluntary partnership agreement that will support it. The fundamental principle is that the substantial investment by the public sector in infrastructure should be matched by a requirement on bus operators to provide a high-quality bus service on a commercial basis with a reasonable rate of return.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Nathan Hartley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that a Quality Partnership Scheme be made covering the bus route corridor between Bath and Bristol via Keynsham;

(2) To DELEGATE to the Divisional Director for Planning & Transport Development the power to determine the appropriate standard of services in the Quality Partnership Scheme; and

(3) To DELEGATE to the Divisional Director for Planning & Transport Development the power to decide in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport on any revisions to the standard of services in the Quality Partnership Scheme arising from the formal review process.
