Issue - meetings

Communication and Media Protocol (Safeguarding)

Meeting: 10/08/2011 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Communication and Media Protocol (Safeguarding) pdf icon PDF 45 KB

B&NES Local Safeguarding Adults Board made up of a range of statutory, voluntary and independent agencies identified the need for a multi-agency communication and media protocol to be agreed and implemented by Board members. The LSAB requested that communication leads from statutory agencies liaise and develop a joint working approach to media responses in respect of safeguarding adults. The LSAB have approved the attached protocol and now seek Cabinet approval.


Additional documents:


Councillor Simon Allen, in proposing the item, explained that the partnership between the Council, Police and PCT was increasingly aware of the importance of good media protocols, not least to protect innocent families in the event of tragic events.  It was essential that communications issued by the partnership should do no harm to those involved.  The protocol had already been approved by the PCT and by the Police, so it only remained for Cabinet to agree it on behalf of the Council.

Councillor Cherry Beath seconded the proposal and felt that the protocol was very sensible.  She strongly felt that the importance of the multi-agency approach and the need to protect vulnerable adults.  She welcomed the emphasis on training in the proposals.


The multi-agency protocol sets out clear arrangements, practice guidance and training needed for LSAB member agencies regarding managing safeguarding cases which might attract media attention. The implementation of the protocol will ensure that media presentations are coordinated appropriately.

Other Options Considered


On a motion from Councillor Simon Allen, seconded by Councillor Cherry Beath, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that the Local Safeguarding Adults Board should adopt the proposed Communications and Media Protocol.
