Issue - meetings

Footways Obstructions Policy - A Boards

Meeting: 09/11/2011 - Cabinet (Item 98)

98 Proposed Footways and Obstructions Policy - A Boards pdf icon PDF 46 KB

The proposed policy and guidelines seek to introduce clear controls to balance the legitimate aspirations of local businesses while at the same time safeguarding the pavements for their primary purpose.


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Councillor Brian Webber made a statement in which he expressed regret that the current rules about pavement displays were not being adequately enforced.  He felt that the policy could only be successful if permits were required and felt that a fee of £100 would not be too onerous.  He deplored the reduction in pavement width from 1.8m to 1.5m.

Robin Kerr made a statement on behalf of Henry Brown (Chair, Federation of Bath Residents Associations) [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 4 but not on the Council's website] in which he said that A Boards had no place in a world heritage city and pointed out that most other historic towns had banned such advertising.  He asked that Cabinet would not agree to dilute the rules; that whatever Cabinet agreed would be rigorously enforced; and that A Boards should be banned until 10am every morning to allow for street cleansing.

Councillor Charles Gerrish made an ad hoc statement in which he said he recognised the thorny issues needing to be resolved.  He expressed sympathy for those who were concerned about the narrowing of pavements.  He strongly recommended a robust policy, actively enforced.

Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones made an ad hoc statement agreeing with Councillor Webber’s comments.  He highlighted the problems experienced by some traders in side streets and felt that there should be some flexibility to allow for particular circumstances.

Councillor David Dixon, in proposing the item, referred to the draft Leaflet for Traders [copies of which had been placed in the public gallery before the meeting and are attached to these Minutes as Appendix 5 and can be seen on the Council’s website].  He recognised that the proposals presented in March had caused some concern, but said that he was determined to keep pavements as clear as possible without preventing traders from doing business.  He confirmed that the policy would be reconsidered after 1 year.

Councillor Cherry Beath seconded the proposal and said that the proposals were sensible.

Councillor Roger Symonds expressed his agreement with Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones in the matter of flexibility.

Councillor David Dixon said he would be concerned about this suggestion, because the Council could not allow a few traders to break the rules or the whole policy would lose credibility.

On a motion from Councillor David Dixon, seconded by Councillor Cherry Beath, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To ADOPT the Footways Obstructions Policy – A Boards;

(2) To ASK the Divisional Director (Environmental Services) to ensure that promotional work is carried out to ensure that businesses are aware of their responsibilities.
