Issue - meetings

Review of Secondary Schools in Keynsham

Meeting: 21/07/2010 - Cabinet (Item 97)

97 Review of Secondary Schools in Keynsham pdf icon PDF 102 KB

In March 2008 full Council approved a strategy for the future of secondary schools in Bath & North East Somerset.  In May 2008 Cabinet agreed to consult on proposed changes to Keynsham schools, specifically the closure of Broadlands Community School and the expansion of Wellsway Community School to create a single secondary school for Keynsham.

A public consultation exercise on this proposal was undertaken between March and May 2010 and this report sets out the results of the consultation.


Additional documents:


Brian Davies (Chair of Governors, Broadlands School) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 3] welcoming the proposals to continue to provide two secondary schools in Keynsham.  He looked forward to working with the Governors and staff of Wellsway School to ensure that local young people get the best opportunities.


Andrea Arlidge (Head, Wellsway School) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 4] supporting the proposal that there should continue to be two schools in Keynsham and committing to work with Broadlands School to serve the needs of the whole community.


Councillor Andrew Wait (Keynsham Town Council) said that the Town Council wished to express its support for the proposal that there should continue to be two schools in Keynsham because it would produce a stronger community.  He took the opportunity, while speaking, to say that he was appalled that the Cabinet was considering closing Culverhay, which in his opinion was the best school in Bath.


Councillor Adrian Inker made a statement on behalf of the Labour Group supporting the proposal that there should continue to be two schools in Keynsham.


Councillor Nathan Hartley made a statement supporting the proposal that there should continue to be two schools in Keynsham. He reminded the Cabinet that the public consultation had shown that 92% of respondents had supported the retention of both Keynsham schools.  He welcomed the confidence that would be given by the proposed assurance to both schools that no further reviews were envisaged.


Councillor Chris Watt introduced the item by reminding the Cabinet that the reason for the item being considered was the intention to raise educational outcomes for children in Keynsham.  He recommended the proposals to the Cabinet for their approval.


Councillor Charles Gerrish seconded the proposal.  He was pleased that the proposals would remove the uncertainty which the schools had suffered for some time.  He passed on to the Cabinet the comments of Councillor Alan Hale, who as an old boy of Broadlands School was very supportive of the proposals.


Councillor Francine Haeberling observed that the response to the consultation had been extraordinary.  She felt that it would be up to the two schools to work together to deliver the best education for local children.


On a motion from Councillor Chris Watt seconded by Councillor Charles Gerrish it was


RESOLVED (unanimously)


(1) To NOTE the results of consultation on proposed changes to Keynsham secondary schools;


(2) To AGREE that there are no changes to Keynsham secondary schools;


(3) To INFORM the governing bodies of Broadlands and Wellsway schools that the Council has no plans to undertake further reviews in the foreseeable future.
