Issue - meetings

Health Protection Board Report

Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 41)

41 Health Protection Board Report pdf icon PDF 81 KB

15 minutes


The Board to note the Health Protection Board Annual Report for 2023-24 and the recommended priorities for 2024-25.


Anna Brett (Health Protection Manager) and Amy McCullough (Consultant in Public Health).


Additional documents:


Anna Brett (Health Protection Manager) and Amy McCullough (Consultant in Public Health, B&NES gave a presentation on the Health Protection Board annual report (copy of the presentation attached to the minutes). 


In response to a question about whether the vaccination programme covered the north east somerset area as well as Bath, the Board was advised that the list of locations in the presentation was an example of outreach vaccinations and there was a wider vaccination programme, including schools and the targeting of rural areas.


The Board RESOLVED to:


Note the annual report and the following recommended priorities for the Health Protection Board in 2024-25:

  1. Assurance: continue to monitor the performance of specialist areas, identify risks, ensure mitigation is in place and escalate as necessary.
  2. Continue to actively participate in the prevention, preparedness and management of outbreaks and incidents with partner agencies to slow down and prevent the spread of communicable disease and manage environmental hazards.
  3. Continue to ensure that the public and partner organisations are informed about emerging threats to health.
  4. Help improve immunisation uptake and reduce inequalities in uptake, particularly MMR vaccination. Contribute to the development of a new Integrated Vaccine Strategy for BSW and outreach vaccination model for B&NES.
  5. Scope the health protection work that could be undertaken to support prevention of climate change and mitigation of climate change impact and make recommendations for action.
  6. Review B&NES coverage for each NHS screening programme to identify needs/gaps and priorities for action.

