Issue - meetings

Minutes of Previous Meeting (attached)

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 20)

20 Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To confirm the minutes of the above meeting as a correct record.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 11 July 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Matters Arising


Sue Poole (Healthwatch) reported back on actions taken since the previous meeting in relation to the item on Refugees/Asylum Seekers experiences of health services.  She advised that the Council’s Refugee Resettlement Manager had confirmed that the Resettlement Team did liaise closely with the Home office and the South West Migration Partnership and the following statement was agreed to summarise the views expressed at the previous meeting:


'The H&WB recognises the importance of good communications between all organisations concerned with the health and welfare of refugees and asylum seekers, especially where children and other vulnerable people are concerned, acknowledging the trauma that many will have experienced.


The H&WB Board values the benefits of strong and open partnership working between the local authority, health providers, local voluntary organisations, the South West Migration Partnership and the Home Office, in protecting people whilst they are living as refugees or asylum seekers in our area.'

