Issue - meetings

Update on Procurement

Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 76)

Update on Procurement

There will be a presentation on this item.


Additional documents:


Councillor Mark Elliott, Cabinet Member for Resources, gave a presentation which covered the following (Officer support Jeff Wring – Director of One West and APF and Cheryl Hansford, Head of Procurement):


·  The Procurement Act and Provider Selection Regime

·  The Procurement Act 2023 – Headlines

·  Benefits and Opportunities

·  Preparation

·  The Provider Selection Regime

·  Procurement Strategy – Refresh of Priorities

·  Strategic Context & Purpose

·  Procurement Strategy – Our Refreshed Themes

·  Each Theme has an Ambition and set of Outcomes

·  Delivering Best Value & Good Governance – Ambition

·  Delivering best value & good governance – Example Outcomes

·  Embedding Sustainability & Climate Action – Ambition

·  Embedding Sustainability & Climate Action - Example Outcomes

·  Providing Opportunity for Economic, Social and Environmental Wellbeing – Ambition

·  Providing Opportunity for Economic, Social and Environmental Wellbeing – Example Outcomes

·  Enhancing the Supply Market – Ambition

·  Enhancing the Supply Market – Example Outcomes

·  Improving Contract & Commercial Management – Ambition

·  Improving Contract & Commercial Management - Example Outcomes

·  Building Skills & Capability – Ambition

·  Building Skills & Capability - Example Outcomes


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Moss asked how we can advertise so that SMEs (Small and Medium size Enterprises) can access the information. He also asked about the risk in terms of unsuccessful companies taking action. The officer explained that the risk of challenge may be raised with more transparency but this will be mitigated by clearer processes.


Councillor Blackburn asked if there was any change in the new legislation with regard to scrutiny of cost overruns. The officer explained that the new Act does not change the process but the transparency element raises the profile. He stated that performance will be managed with increased monitoring through the Corporate Priorities.


Councillor Moss asked about the potential date of secondary legislation and would it involve constitutional changes. He also asked if contracts with arms length organisations such as Aequus would be impacted. The officer explained that the current set up continues, the new legislation would apply to Aequus as well.


Councillor Treby asked how conflict between the themes could be managed. The officer explained that it is about achieving the best outcome – there would need to be a robust conversation with a professional and safe decision.


Councillor MacFie asked about the use of AI in setting up contracts. The officer stated that AI was a subject in itself. He explained that suppliers using AI would be welcomed. Generally the process will not be radically different though, we are trying to improve on what we have.


Councillor Hodge asked how a Cabinet Member’s view on the themes would be weighted. The officer explained that the Government framework would be used. There are gateways and guides as to where the Cabinet Member might be involved.


The Cabinet Member stated that views on this are welcome.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member and officers.


