Issue - meetings

SEND Home to School Travel Policy Review (WL)

Meeting: 13/05/2024 - Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 128)

128 SEND Home to School Travel Policy Review pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The SEND travel policy has been reviewed and rewritten in line with new Department for Education guidance. It has also been updated to clarify the eligibility criteria and to outline all travel support options for SEND children and young people more clearly.



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Councillor Paul May introduced the report to the Panel and sought to compliment the Head of SEND for the work that has taken place regarding the review of the policy. He stated that the policy was currently in a consultation phase and that they would welcome any comments from the Panel.


He added that they have met with the local Parent & Carers Forum who have been complimentary on the work of the review.


The Head of SEND addressed the Panel and explained that the current SEND Home to School Travel Policy had not been updated for several years and since then a number of DfE guidance updates have been issued, causing the current policy to become out of date.


She stated that the SEND Home to School Travel Policy has been reviewed and rewritten in line with new Department for Education guidance and has also been updated to clarify the eligibility criteria and to outline all travel support options for SEND children and young people more clearly.


She informed the Panel that the consultation process has been followed robustly, including writing to 477 parent/carers, contacting 69 schools, transport providers, B&NES parent carer forum and consulting our B&NES colleagues.


She said that feedback was given online, via the telephone and at 6 in person events. She said that through the consultation process some concerns had been raised regarding whether any changes would make it more difficult for young people to attend their current schools and said that this was not the case and that as part of the Annual Review process they discuss travel options with families and would continue to do so.


She added that some families have also raised the issue of whether they could change schools once the proposed new facilities are in place as they might be closer to their home.


Councillor Robin Moss thanked the officer for a comprehensive report, but said that he felt that the issue was bigger than just this review. He added that the policy was likely to have financial consequences on a budget that is already overspent and that any changes need to be fully understood as to how they will affect our young people and their families.


He stated the need to make the most of the money that is being spent.


Councillor May replied that the changes are driven by the conditions that have been set down by the Government and that the procurement of the associated transport services is a separate matter. He added that this review was about establishing whether this policy is correct and fair for our young people and their families.


The Head of SEND added that there is an option for families to have an individual budget to claim fuel expenses so that their young person can be driven to school by somebody that they know.


Councillor Liz Hardman said that she considered there to be three significant changes to the current policy.


1.  A child / young person would attend their  ...  view the full minutes text for item 128
