Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Outturn Report 2009/10

Meeting: 21/07/2010 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Treasury Management Outturn Report 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

In February 2010 the Council adopted the 2009 edition of the CIPFA Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice, which requires the Council to approve a Treasury Management Strategy before the start of each financial year, a mid year report, and an annual report after the end of each financial year.  This report gives details of performance against the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Plan for 2009/10.


Additional documents:


Councillor Francine Haeberling introduced the report which was the annual outturn report for 2009/10.  She proposed that Cabinet adopt the report and its recommendations.


Councillor Vic Pritchard seconded the proposal.


On a motion from Councillor Francine Haeberling, seconded by Councillor Vic Pritchard it was


RESOLVED (unanimously)


(1) To note the 2009/10 Treasury Management Annual Report to 31st March 2010, prepared in accordance with the CIPFA Treasury Code of Practice;


(2) To note the 2009/10 actual Treasury Management Indicators;


(3) To refer the Treasury Management Outturn Report and attached appendices to July Council.
