Issue - meetings

Emotionally Based School Avoidance - Report from Healthwatch

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 53)

53 Parent Carers' Experience of Emotionally Based School Avoidance - Report from Healthwatch pdf icon PDF 214 KB

40 minutes


The Board to receive a presentation on the Healthwatch report on Parent/Carer Experience of Emotionally Based School Avoidance and respond to the recommendations set out in the report.  The full report can be found at the following link:

Guidance (


Sue Poole (Healthwatch) and Rachel Hale and Helen Yates (Directors of Bath and North East Somerset Parent/Carer Forum)



Sue Poole (Healthwatch) and Rachel Hale/Helen Yates (Directors of Bath and North East Somerset Parent/Carer Forum) gave a presentation on their joint report on parent/carers’ experience of emotionally based school avoidance, a copy of which was circulated with the agenda pack.


Board Members raised the following comments:


1.  In response to concerns raised about accessing consistent support from GPs, there were alternatives to a clinical response, such as support from the Youth Forum and the Community Wellbeing Hub.  Although the Community Wellbeing Hub was aimed currently at ages 16+ it was looking to expand to support younger people. 

It was noted that GPs may not be the best point of contact and a needs led approach was preferable, but parent/carers were often directed to GPs by schools.

Representatives of the Parent/Carer Forum stated that although there was support available around the child, there was no support for parent/carers/siblings and extended family many of whom were struggling with mental health issues.

2.  In relation to joined up working, it was also noted that from an ICB perspective, there was BSW Children and Young People Programme Board and a Learning Disabilities and Autism Programme.  The Chair also suggested that this issue be brought to the attention of the B&NES Schools Standards Board.

3.  It was recognised that there was an increase in emotionally based school avoidance, and it was important that school nurses/public health nurses were trained on EBSA to enable them to support students.


Nicola Hazle, Kate Morton, Becky Reynolds and Val Scrase offered to support Healthwatch and the Parent/Carers Forum develop the recommendations set out in the report.  It was also suggested that Mary Kearney Knowles be involved as Director of Children’s Services and Education.


The Board RESOLVED to:

1.  Note and raise awareness of the report.

2.  Support Healthwatch/Parent/Carers Forum with developing the recommendations set out in the report.

