Issue - meetings

Consultation on the proposal to close Culverhay School

Meeting: 25/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 135)

135 Consultation on the proposal to close Culverhay School pdf icon PDF 157 KB

In July 2010 following a public consultation process on proposed changes to some Bath schools Cabinet decided to consult on the proposal to close Culverhay School (Culverhay).  A public consultation exercise has now been completed and this report sets out the results of that consultation and asks cabinet to consider the views expressed before deciding whether it wishes to publish a legal notice for the closure of Culverhay.


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Cllr Dine Romero made a statement appealing to the Cabinet not to close Culverhay School but to support its proposals to become co-educational.  She reminded Cabinet that, once it could take both boys and girls, it would no longer need the small schools grant.  It already had the best playing fields site of any school in the city.

Cllr John Bull made a statement in which he stressed the academic improvement achieved by Culverhay School, the caring staff and excellent sporting facilities.  He felt that Cabinet had abruptly changed course when confronted with the Oldfield School application for Academy status.  He appealed to Cabinet not to take a final decision at this meeting but to continue in discussions over the two alternative options put forward by Culverhay Governors.

Cllr Paul Crossley made a statement in which he emphasised the importance of Culverhay School to its community.  The depth of feeling of local people had been demonstrated by the fact that they had turned up in large numbers for four meetings.  He asked Cabinet to see that closure would not be a strong decision – it would be a wrong decision.  He felt that schools like Culverhay were better for being small and for being places where staff knew their students well.  He asked the Cabinet to consult on turning Culverhay into a co-educational school.

Cllr Gerry Curran (Chair of Governors, Culverhay School) asked the Cabinet not to close the school.  He reminded Cabinet that the original strategy had been for a co-educational school in the north and the south of the city.  He still believed that closing Culverhay School would be absolutely the wrong decision and reminded the Cabinet that the school had cooperated with the Council for many years over the plans to turn it co-educational.  He felt that Cabinet had been ill-advised to support St Marks School which did not appear to have the support of its community or the Diocese.  He was sure that places would not be available in local schools for displaced Culverhay boys.

Sue East (Bath Primary Heads Group) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 2 and on the Council's website] asking the Cabinet to put in place a flagship of community learning centred around Culverhay.  She felt that at a time when so many changes are taking place, it would not be wise to close Culverhay.

Sean Wyartt (Assistant Head, Culverhay School) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 3 and on the Council's website] in which he expressed the view that the proposals to close Culverhay School did not seem fair, open or legal to many parents and supporters of the school.

Richard Thompson (Head, Culverhay School) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 4 and on the Council's website] in which he said that to close Culverhay school would leave a hole at the heart of a vulnerable and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 135
