Issue - meetings

ICB and dealing with patient safety

Meeting: 04/12/2023 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 42)

ICB and dealing with patient safety

25 minutes


To receive a presentation from ICB.



Gill May, ICB gave a presentation (attached to the minutes) on Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).


In response to questions from Board members, it was confirmed:

1.  There would be one dashboard for all providers which Board members would be able to see, but this would take a few months to develop.

2.  The inspections would include services provided for all age groups.  Feedback would be used from existing data and therefore children and young people would not need to participate in a separate data gathering exercise.

3.  In terms of how the HWB Board could interact with the System Quality Groups, Laura Ambler would be a link between the groups and the Board.


The Board RESOLVED to note the update.

