Issue - meetings

BSW primary and community care delivery plan

Meeting: 04/12/2023 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 41)

41 BSW Primary and Community Care Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 418 KB

25 minutes


To receive a presentation on the BSW Primary and Community Care Delivery Plan


Caroline Holmes, Deputy Place Director (Swindon Locality BSW ICB)



Caroline Holmes, Deputy Place Director (Swindon Locality BSW ICB) gave a presentation on the BSW Primary and Community Care Delivery Plan as included in the agenda pack.


She asked the Board to consider the following questions:

1.  Are the actions and interventions we have identified the right ones to help deliver our transformation priorities?

2.  Which of the actions and interventions are most important to you and why?

3.  In what order do you think we should undertake or prioritise these?

4.  Which groups, individuals and organisations do you think are most important to involve in further work around the actions and interventions? How should we best engage with them?

5.  Do you have any other comments, ideas or observations that you would like to make?


The following comments were raised by Board Members:

1.  Contracts and commissioning were significant issues for the Third Sector.

2.  A co-ordinated approach was important to make sure all relevant organisations were involved.

3.  Co-production with communities was essential to ensure their priorities were identified.

4.  The plan was written for people within the system and consideration needed to be given to making the language more accessible to all.

5.  More information was required on the financial modelling.

6.  Priorities needed to be more explicit in articulating support for the workforce.

7.  There needed to be more information on what difference would be made on the ground, e.g., to families of children whose learning had suffered as a result of the Covid pandemic.

8.  The model needed to be flexible to allow for the local differences in the B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Communities.


It was noted that the plan would be finalised towards the end of the financial year and Laura Ambler undertook to update the Board at a future meeting.


The Board RESOLVED to note the presentation.

