Issue - meetings

Bath & North East Somerset Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) Annual Report

Meeting: 13/11/2023 - Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 52)

52 Bath & North East Somerset Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) Annual Report pdf icon PDF 97 KB

The B&NES Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) is introducing its Annual Report for 2022-2023, alongside its priorities to be actioned in its Strategic Plan for 2023-2024.


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The Chair commented that there were recommendations referred to in the report but she could not actually locate them.


Councillor Paul Crossley said that he endorsed the work of all staff involved in this area. He asked if the ‘missing children’ data in this report was recorded differently to the last report (IRO Annual Report).


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that this data was collected differently by Avon & Somerset Constabulary and concentrated on those under the age of 18.


Councillor Crossley stated that there was no place for any type of race hatred within our community.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that the Council does work very closely with SARI (Stand Against Racism & Equality) on these issues and takes any such notification seriously.


Kevin Burnett asked if Operation Encompass was now fully in place across the Council.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that it was.


Kevin Burnett asked how many Domestic Homicide Reviews have been carried out.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that in the period covered by this report, the BCSSP has not completed any Domestic Homicide Reviews.


Kevin Burnett referred to safeguarding and asked if the new managing allegations protocol had had an impact on staff in schools and had any training taken place.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that multi-agency training opportunities have been available from the Police. He added that support and training was in place for schools from the LADO and supporting IROs.


Kevin Burnett asked if a review of how allegations are processed had been carried out and who is involved in that process.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that he would provide further information in writing to the Panel.


Councillor Dave Harding asked if there was a known reason for the increase in missing children or was it a case of better reporting in place.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that the data used by the Police was rolling data and that the Council uses data across the financial year. She added that there were currently three children missing from care and that this was an improvement on the previous year.


She added that the repeated missing children were not in care and would be at home or within their community and would be receiving support from the Police alongside the Council.


She said there could be a combination of reasons as to why they are missing, including having fallen out with their parents, not wanting to live with extended family or being at risk of exploitation.


Councillor Dave Harding referred to page 52 of the agenda and asked if there was any lag in terms of the information relating to the Safeguarding Adult Reviews.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that she would relay that question to the Director of Adult Services for a response. She added that she was aware that the Practice Review Group meet on a monthly basis.


Councillor Joanna Wright commented that she was surprised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52
