Issue - meetings

Initial response to Climate Action Scorecard

Meeting: 09/11/2023 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 32)

Initial response to Climate Action Scorecard

The Cabinet Member Project Lead will give an update on this. Please see link below:







Additional documents:


Councillor Sarah Warren - DeputyCouncil Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel – introduced the item. She referenced the Climate Emergency UK website and explained the mapping of where Climate Emergency has been declared. In the 2022 scorecard, this authority scored well – 57% when the average is 32%.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Leach asked about the previous scorecard where the authority did not do so well – he asked if the assumptions had changed. The Cabinet Member stated that the scoring methods have evolved, there are more details and this Council has engaged more. She added that we had not scored so high in terms of Transport and Waste but thought this was due to some work not being picked up in the scoring.


Councillor David stated that it is good news that this Council came 7th. She asked if waste and food issues could be picked up and helped by the Task and Finish Group. The Cabinet Member stated that this would be a great help. The officer added that the food issue is been considered.


Councillor Heijltjes referenced the low score for transport and asked if this was due to the range of great plans not having been implemented yet. The Cabinet Member agreed that the scoring had not been entirely fair on transport for example the score was 1/6 for transport schemes yet we have got the Tier partnership. Scoring is also not reflective in terms of the Clean Air Zone. There is always more to be done, our response can be shared with Panel members.


Councillor Wait congratulated the team on coming 7th. He asked about 84% yellow star on buildings and heating and the penalty points for transport. The Cabinet Member stated that the penalty point was for air pollution, she will double check this. Regarding the 84%, this reflected many innovations such as that in the Roman Baths.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member and officers. 
