Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 Strategic Performance Report 2023/24

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Quarter 3 2023/24 Corporate Strategic Performance report pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To consider a report which provides an update on the progress made against a key set of strategic performance measures which assess the Council’s progress on delivering the Corporate Strategy, other key strategies and key aspects of service delivery.


Additional documents:


Cllr Dave Wood introduced the report and moved the officer recommendation.


Cllr Manda Rigby seconded the motion and made the following statement:


“I would particularly like to highlight how committed we are, as a Liberal Democrat administration, to reporting back on performance in this way and to progressively making these reports more useful and easier to understand, as this culture is embedded in the council. This means reporting back on more indicators and strategies as time goes on.


I would like to see more reporting back on the practical things the council does – for example, last month, the Highways team produced an excellent video with a selection of stats relating to the incredible volume of work our teams and contractors carried out on the highways last year. For example, almost 21,000 gullies were inspected and almost 18,000 were cleaned.


We have teams delivering fantastic work in every department of the council and these are the sorts of achievements I would like to see brought to the fore.


Sharing updates on how things are going, in a regular and transparent manner, not only means residents can hold the council to account but also underlines to our commitment to giving people a bigger say, as communication needs to go both ways.”


RESOLVED (unanimously):  To note progress on the delivery of key aspects of the Council’s service delivery and outcomes of the Council’s key Strategies, details of which are highlighted in section 3.6 and Annex 1 of the report.
