Issue - meetings
Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Local Development Order
Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 57)
57 Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Local Development Order PDF 122 KB
The Cabinet is asked to adopt the Local Development Order for the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone site to meet the aims of the Local Plan policy SSV9.
Additional documents:
- E3486 - Appendix 1- E3487 In-principle Statutory Mechanisms Cabinet Report, item 57
PDF 143 KB
- E3486 - Appendix 2- LPA Officer Report, item 57
PDF 214 KB
- E3486 - Appendix 3 - Local Development Order (LDO) and Statement of Reasons, item 57
- E3486 - Appendix 4 - Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Project Financials, item 57
- E3486 - Appendix 5- Statement of Community Involvement, item 57
- Webcast for Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Local Development Order
Cllr Paul Roper introduced the report and moved the officer recommendation.
Cllr Paul May seconded the motion and made the following statement:
“The presentation this evening has been inspirational. This is an example of how we can use this opportunity to work with Bath College to create apprenticeships during and after construction and offer job experience options for young people in the area.
This report provides a sensible process to move the scheme forward, bearing in mind that progress has already been protracted. You mentioned about 2007 – talks have been going on since Wansdyke District Council.
Of course, we have listened to the speakers and written submissions, and this is reflected in the previous paper, but because of the site complications we need to have the powers to deliver a vital employment site set amongst the already commercial area that has been built up around the former Great Mills office and sales warehouse.
There has been considerable consultation and changes made to deliver the master plan that moves towards the many concerns expressed.
We have a responsibility to provide local jobs in the area and clearly this will not happen unless we adopt this high intervention approach. I fully support the recommendations.”
RESOLVED (unanimously):
(1) To adopt the Local Development Order for the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) site recommended by the Local Planning Authority, and to meet the aims of policy SSV9.
(2) To delegate to the Director of Regeneration and Housing and the Director of Sustainable Communities (or [the Monitoring Officer / Executive Member] for payments of over £500,000) in consultation with the S151 Officer, authority to take all necessary steps to acquire by agreement land and/or rights required for the SVEZ Scheme and to negotiate and settle all necessary compensation and professional fees (including interim payments) as agreed with landowners, where compensation is within the SVEZ Scheme budget. This will be subject to full due diligence and financial evaluation to ensure value for money and that commitments are in line with approved scheme budgets.
(3) To delegate the approval to the Director of Regeneration and Housing and the Director of Sustainable Communities in consultation with the s151 Chief Finance Officer to:
o Accept the Investment Fund grants from the West of England Combined Authority, subject to WECA approval at Committee.
o On grant acceptance to move from provisional to approved budget for £9.3m continue with land assembly and infrastructure design.
Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 45)
45 Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Update PDF 3 MB
There will be a presentation on this item. Presentation slides are attached.
Additional documents:
Councillor Lucy Hodge (Vice Chair) was Chair for this item.
The Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Sustainable Development -Councillor Matt McCabe (with officer support – Richard Holden, Operations Manager, Bath Enterprise Zone) gave a presentation which covered the following:
· Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) Cabinet Decisions – 1st Feb
· SVEZ Redline Plan
· SVEZ LDO Illustrative Masterplan
· Map - Distance between home and work (2021 census)
· Map - Mode of travel to workplace (2021 census)
· Housing within the Somer Valley
· Ecology and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
· Air Quality – Farrington Gurney and Temple Cloud
· Statutory Consultation (16th Jan – 13th Feb 2023)
· Revised Statutory Consultation (22nd Sept – 26th Oct 2023)
· Parish and Town Council Responses
· Demand within the Somer Valley
Panel member made the following points and asked the following questions:
Councillor Treby asked if commuting times would be reduced or improved. The officer explained that, with the road mitigations, there would be an anticipated improvement to the network. The aim is to encourage active travel (with cycle tracks). There will be a dialogue with First Bus regarding the possible re introduction of services when the SVEZ opens.
Councillor Halsall asked if there are design codes regarding the build and can the Council use enforcement if these are not followed. The officer explained that there are design codes along with planning permission. The design codes are plot specific and set certain parameters for developers. If a plot is not needed for a hotel (for example) then another use can come forward.
Councillor Simon asked what the status of CPO (Compulsory Purchase Orders) are at present and is there an order/phasing for the plot development. The officer explained that the Council do not own the land and have been in negotiations since 2019. The paper going to Cabinet on 1st February 2024 - will enable us to continue negotiations, and a potential future CPO decision to be made. It would depend on funding from WECA for the land acquisition. Regarding the plot development, he explained that the LDO will be in place for 20 years, it is likely the development will take circ 10 years. Ideally the industrial units will be delivered at an early stage as there is demand. Food and beverage units would change if there is no demand.
Councillor Blackburn asked what had changed to cause the postponement. The officer explained that there was statutory consultation in January 2023 but there was not enough time before the elections to get responses back from all the statutory consultees. Development Management have taken a prudent and transparent approach by undertaking the revised consultation (October 2023) in response to adjustments made following the January 2023 statutory consultation.The changes are around dark corridors, increasing the depth of the perimeter (which protects bats) and extended perimeter parking. These are all in response to consultation comments.
Councillor Blackburn asked what made the site attractive to employers. The officer explained that the aim was to reduce the ... view the full minutes text for item 45