Issue - meetings

Peer Review

Meeting: 09/10/2023 - Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 39)

39 Peer Review pdf icon PDF 698 KB


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The Chair asked for clarification as to why no member of the Scrutiny Panel had been asked to take part in the Peer Review.


Councillor Alison Born commented that the Peer Review was carried out as inspections from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) were due to commence in January 2024. She added that the full Peer Review report was due to be available to be published very soon.


The Assistant Director – Operations introduced this item and highlighted the following areas from within the presentation. She explained that this information was being shared with the Panel in advance of the publication of the full report.


She stated that the Local Government Association (LGA) has been providing this service to Local Authorities in advance of the expected future inspections. She added that Scrutiny Panel and the Health & Wellbeing Board are not normally involved within this LGA Peer Review process.


Key Messages – Strengths


·  Well led organisation with a positive workforce culture built upon mutual respect and values.

·  Clear corporate purpose with strong political and corporate leadership in supporting Adult Social Care

·  Kind, collegiate, generous staff “we don’t keep a good idea to ourselves”

·  Self-aware – no surprises and plans in place to address some of the challenges as reflected in the Self-Assessment

·  Partnerships and strong relationships


Key Messages – Considerations


·  How systems, processes and data are used to best effect to inform practice and performance oversight

·  Opportunities for further development of practice and oversight through simplification of structures and insourcing plan

·  Ambitious plans with many strategic and operational initiatives planned in next 6 months as part of longer-term plan

·  To support delivery of plans may wish to consider the range of support and advice that is available externally as well as internal resource required

·  Co-production


CQC Assurance Themes


·  Working with people

·  Providing support

·  Ensuring safety

·  Leadership


Case File Audit Findings – review of 6 cases




·  Safeguarding – Evidence provides reassurance that people are being kept safe and that risks are appropriately identified and managed Robust and well recorded Safeguarding Adults Management (SAM) oversight including clear actions as well as timeframes for the completion of actions. Well written and proportionate safeguarding minutes.

·  Learning Disabilities – Very clear evidence of relational practice, taking a person-centred approach and working beyond the boundaries of the Care Act.

·  Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) - Evidence of skilful recording which provides a strong sense of who the human being is balanced with the process, legal literacy and professional opinion.




·  Safeguarding – Although there was evidence that people were being involved in safeguarding and that their views were taken into consideration, principles of Making Safeguarding Personal could be further developed and evidenced in the way practitioners record.

·  Mental Capacity – More focus is required on Mental Capacity Act and the consistent application of the fundamental principles underpinning legislation and practice. The gravitas of decisions around mental capacity must be given due consideration. Greater consideration of involving Care Act Advocates and Independent Mental Capacity Advocates when appropriate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39
