Issue - meetings
Better Care Fund Update
Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 12)
12 Better Care Fund Update PDF 92 KB
10 minutes
Ratification of the Better Care Fund Planning return for 2024/2025 and oversight of the process for 2025-2027 Narrative planning. .
Laura Ambler/Suzanne Westhead
Additional documents:
- BCF Additional paper to support document ratification at HWB meeting 11th July 2024, item 12
- BCF HWB July 24, item 12
PDF 410 KB
Laura Ambler/Suzanne Westhead introduced the report and drew attention to the following:
1. BSW ICB Community contract arrangements – pooled funding would be reduced as this element of voluntary contributions would be directly through the community contract and not through the Better Care Fund.
2. There may be a change to future funding arrangements due to the new Government.
3. Currently, BCF funding was restricted to adult social care.
4. The BCF had make a difference, for example the work with the RUH in relation to hospital discharges.
5. The Board was being asked to ratify the mid-point return.
The Board RESOLVED to ratify the 24/25 Better Care Fund Planning addendum.