Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 22)

22 Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan - Quarter 2 Exception Report pdf icon PDF 178 KB

20 minutes


The Board to receive the Quarter 2 exception report on the four priorities of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan.


Sarah Heathcote/Paul Scott to give a brief introduction to the key findings and actions.


Additional documents:


Sarah Heathcote summarised the Quarter 2 Exception Reports and highlighted the main findings (presentation attached as an appendix to the minutes).


Laura Ambler reported that there was a pause on Priority action 4.4 “Improve equitable access to physical and mental health services for all ages via the development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs), community-based specialist services and our specialist centres” due to a current procurement process.


The Board raised the following comments:

1.  Welcomed the exception reporting and opportunity for the Board to monitor progress in implementing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

2.  There was a question about whether the RAG ratings should measure progress or outcomes.  It was noted that for some of the green ratings the action had been completed but there was still work required to reach an outcome.  It was agreed that the outcome rather than progress should be measured and that this could be considered through a refresh of the JHWS Implementation Plan and a review of the monitoring process subject to agreeing a timeframe and capacity.

3.  In terms of how the Council’s Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel was kept informed about progress, there was a regular update from the ICB as well as a deeper dive on specific items.

4.  In relation to Priority 3.1.1 “Implement Community Wellbeing Hub (CWH) strategy”, it was noted that this was part funded by the Better Care Fund and it was unknown if this source of funding would be continued under the new Government.  Links were being made with the new Government/LGA to promote the CWH and it was hoped that the benefits of this approach would be recognised in the upcoming CQC Inspection.

