Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 56)

56 Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan pdf icon PDF 186 KB

20 minutes


The Board to consider:

1.  Quarter 4 Exception Report

2.  Annual Priority Indicator Set Summary


Sarah Heathcote (Health Inequalities Manager) and Paul Scott (Associate Director and Consultant in Public Health)


Additional documents:


The Board noted that:

1.  This was the first meeting to receive the biannual exception reporting by designated reporting leads.  The reports were signed off by sponsors who were HWB members.

2.  The exception reporting was one of the new ways of monitoring the implementation of the JHWS. 

3.  Reporting leads also reviewed and summarised the health and wellbeing priority indicator set annually, and the summaries were included at the end of the exception reports. 


The Board raised the following comments:

1.  The exception reports were welcomed as an assurance that the priorities of the JHWS were being implemented.

2.  The Development Sessions were also an opportunity to look at the implementation of priority themes in more detail.

3.  The Council had recently adopted an Economic Strategy and there would be opportunities for connectivity with the JHWS.  This would be discussed in detail at a future Development Session.

4.  In relation to Priority 1, it was noted that some of the actions were dependent on Government however, it was important not to lose sight of the impact on families/parents on not meeting objectives and also the higher demands for children’s services.


The Board RESOLVED to note the exception reports.

