Issue - meetings

Key Performance Update

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 20)

Key Performance Update

There will be a presentation on this item at the meeting


Additional documents:


The Chair invited Steve Harman, Head of Corporate Governance and Business Insight, to introduce the item and give a presentation which covered the following:


·  Corporate Strategy end of year review

·  Some notable successes in 2022/23

·  Principle 1: Preparing for the Future – Successes

·  Principle 2: Delivering for local residents – Successes

·  Principle 3: Focusing on Prevention – Successes

·  Tackling the Climate & Ecological Emergency

·  Core Policy – Giving people a bigger say

·  Selected Achievements and Successes by directorate

·  Strategic Performance Indicator set

·  BANES Activity Report 2022/23

·  Resident Satisfaction with the Local Area

·  Health and Wellbeing – Support for Refugees

·  New Corporate Strategy 2023/27

·  Monitoring the Corporate Strategy 2023/27


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Simon stated that there was much emphasis on positives in the presentation but the panel need to know about things that require improvement (red or amber areas that within the panel remit). He asked that the panel receive regular performance updates.


Councillor Treby agreed and stated that it would be useful if the panel could be involved in forming the KPI’s.


Councillor MacFie asked if the information could be accessed on a timeframe, the officer explained that members can be supplied with time trends as requested.


Councillor MacFie asked if there was any modelling/projection regarding electric charging. The officer explained that the Climate Emergency agenda is relatively new so work is underway, with the Green Transformation Team, to develop a full suite of data for this area. This can be shared with the panel.


The officer agreed with Councillor Simon’s request to bring the outcome of the resident’s survey to the Panel. He explained that the survey is sent out in October/November and information should be available in February (this could come to the March meeting of the panel).


Councillor Saini asked about staff training. The officer explained that there was a comprehensive staff training and development programme. He explained the ‘Clear Review’ programme which provides objective setting and training details for staff.


Councillor Simon asked if there are any performance indicators for Human Resources (HR). The officer explained that HR have internal indicators which can be shared with the panel.


Councillor Hodge asked how amber/red indicators link in with corporate audit. The officer explained that areas of concern are reported to the Strategic Management team and a surgery is held to discuss and take a view on a way forward. The Chief Finance Officer explained that there are two key pieces of information for internal audit which are performance targets and budget position.


Councillor Moss stated that statistics can tell us nothing or everything and the key is to pick out those key indicators of value. Important indicators to look at are those that show red/amber and those which are having unexpected change in the direction of travel. Councillor Moss asked about political discussion around the relationship between performance indicators and financial performance. The Cabinet Member for Resources explained that the Cabinet see indicators quarterly or more frequently and will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20
