Issue - meetings
Update on Council Tax Support Scheme
Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 21)
21 Update on Council Tax Support Scheme PDF 166 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix - Case studies and scheme comparison, item 21 PDF 119 KB
- Review of Council Tax reduction Schemes in 2023 24, item 21 PDF 383 KB
- Webcast for Update on Council Tax Support Scheme
The Chair invited Councillor Mark Elliott, Cabinet Member for Resources to introduce the item.
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:
Councillor Treby asked if the scheme could be smoothed around the boundaries as there can be anomalies. The officer explained that it is hard to avoid a ‘cliff edge’ where the scheme is banded. He stated that there would be help to mitigate where people lose out.
Councillor Simon stated that the officer and Cabinet Member had done a great job. He stated that it is not affordable to leave the bands where they are although it would be nice. He pointed out that other authorities are also having to make changes. He mentioned the difficultly of smoothing the boundaries due to having to combine rebates on an annual tax with monthly incomes that vary.
Councillor Blackburn asked about the 49% of those receiving 50% rebate who are in arrears and asked how they would fair under options 3 or 4. The Cabinet member pointed to the appendix which gives 6 examples. The officer explained that if people are earning, this can be accessed.
Councillor Halsall stated that the case studies are helpful and asked that a message go out to those potentially effected which points to help available. The officer explained that if public consultation comes back and it looks like option 3 or 4 will be chosen, all those effected will be contacted – this is believed to be around 68 households.
Councillor MacFie asked if anyone would benefit if option 4 was chosen. The Cabinet Member stated that the periodic adjustment would make the scheme fairer and that this is an appropriate time to review this. He explained that it is difficult to have targets as it depends on who claims.
Councillor Blackburn asked how many of the 68 household effected are home owners. The officer explained that he would have to assess this.
Councillor Moss as how people will claim and is it an automatic deduction from Council Tax. The officer explained that most of the cohort will claim automatically when they claim Universal Credit.
Councillor Moss asked if they would be a group of potential claimants that could be missed who would receive money towards a bill. The officer explained that no one would receive money, it is all deducted. He stated that he could not think anybody would not get the opportunity to claim.
Councillor Moss asked about arrears and whether they may increase or decrease and whether this could be more effected by the general cost of living. The Cabinet Member stated that there is no control experiment so it is hard to measure. In response to a query about the consultation period, the officer explained that the timetable is pretty tight, all effected will receive letters. This will be reported to November Council. Councillor Moss stated that groups such as Age UK can be contacted. Councillor Saini stated that the system must be clear and precise.
Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 21